by Jackie Johnson Jackie Johnson No Comments

Innovations of the Motorsports Industry During COVID-19

Last year the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the globe. It affected many industries, one such industry being the motorsports industry, with events and competitions having been canceled or postponed. But unlike other industries, this has not seemed to stop the motorsports industry, with it continuing to push the boundaries of automotive innovation, and finding new ways to improve upon high-performance vehicles as well as road-ready cars for the average consumer.

It has also provided innovation in the medical field, by developing new life-saving technologies.

And finally, while live races may have been canceled, the industry as looked to simulated races to increase viewership and ad revenue and found a new way to reach out to their fans.

In this week’s blog post, we will discuss the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the motorsports industry, and how despite the hardship the pandemic brought, it refused to slow down and brought innovations, both automotive and medical, surprising uses for technology, and more.

Innovation in Electric Race Cars.

The COVID-19 pandemic has an obviously devastating impact on the automotive industry as a whole, with global light vehicle production declining by 18% during the height of the pandemic, there has been a ray of hope in the form of electric vehicles (or EVs).

And no one has been pushing the envelope further than the motorsports industry.

The sport seems an unlikely source of innovation in cleaner vehicles. But the racetracks and paddocks have often been a hotbed of design and engineering feats.

Formula 1 teams such as DuPont and Renault DP World F1 Team have spent 2020 looking at developments made on the racetrack, such as the modern Energy Recovery System found in Formula 1 cars, and using it to vastly improve upon road-ready, hybrid models that greatly reduce CO2 emissions and offer a fuel economy range of up to 217.3mpg.

Sim Racing

Motorsports Industry during COVID-19

eNascar Racing During COVID-19

Many races were canceled last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving many fans disappointed. And the business of motorsports is, at the end of the day, a business of live events. It was a very challenging time for everyone in the industry.

In an experiment, NBC and Fox replaced the canceled races with sim races.

They were unsure if the computer-generated races would bring in as much money as the real races would. Their fears seemed to be unfounded, however, as ten months into the experiment sim races seemed to be paying off, as television and web audiences helped to salvage the 2020 season, pleasing networks and sponsors alike.

One such race was the eNASCAR race which drew in 910,000 viewers, which is admittedly fewer than the typical three million viewers on a typical NASCAR race, it was more than 400,000 of a typical virtual race.

Another race that blew past expectations was the first F1 replacement race, the Virtual Bahrain Grand Prix. It drew in a whopping four million total viewers on both digital platforms and tv, Once again, while that is less than the 34-million strong average for an actual race, it is far ahead of the typical 1.8 million viewers of previous pro digital races.

Project Pitlane

As demands for testing kits and ventilators increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, governments across the globe have reached out to various industries to help with supplies. One such industry was the motorsports industry. And they stepped up to the plate to help ease the burden this deadly pandemic has caused.

Because, if there is one thing that the motorsports industry is famous for, it is designing, building, and testing components and cars in incredibly short timeframes. And that is what they did with Project Pitlane.

At the height of the pandemic, UK-based manufacturers for Formula 1 put aside old rivalries to combine their resources to support health services and victims of COVID-19. This project became known as Project Pitlane.

Motorsports Industry During COVID-19


In connection with the University College London, Mercedes HPP helped develop the UCL-Ventura, a respirator that works by pushing an air-oxygen mix into the mouth and nose at a continuous rate. This keeps both airways open and increases the amount of oxygen entering the patient’s lungs, a huge boon for COVID patients.

They didn’t stop there, however. Mercedes disassembled and reverse-engineered an off-patent device to improve its manufacturability to make it more suitable for higher production runs. In a little over a month, Mercedes had produced 10,000 units.

The UCL-Ventura has now received MHRA regulatory approval and is available to download for free at a research licensing website developed by UCL Business.

Blue Sky

Renault F1 in conjunction with Red Bull Advanced Technologies developed another ventilator, the Blue Sky portable ventilator.

They took the device from a prototype, which included miniature servos from a model aircraft, to a fully developed, certification-ready product.

Unfortunately, the UK government canceled the order for Blue Sky ventilators before the device was able to go through certification.

In Conclusion

Like many industries, the motorsports industry during Covid-19 has had to change dramatically. Unlike other industries, the motorsports industry, is, by it’s very nature, incredibly adaptable. This has served it well, leading to innovations in electric vehicles.

This drive has also led to innovations in the medical industry with the development of new life-saving ventilators, as well as the increased production of ventilators and other life-saving medical necessities.

And finally, let’s not forget the increase in popularity of virtual racing.

The motorsports industry is the pinnacle of automotive innovation, as it demonstrated in 2020. And as we dive further into 2021, it is clear that, like the race cars it produces, it has no signs of slowing down.

To learn more about how Advanced EMC Technologies can provide your motorsports company premium polymer seals, bearings and bushings, contact us today!

by Jackie Johnson Jackie Johnson No Comments

All About Fluoropolymers


Image from AGC Chemicals

While the vast majority of people have never heard of fluoropolymers, they are everywhere in our lives. It is undeniable that because of their durability and versatility, this particular group of polymers is one of the most popular polymer materials to date. In this week’s blog post, we will explore this wonderful material, from its history to its uses.

What is a Fluoropolymer?

To start, let’s go over what a polymer is. A polymer is a material made of long, repeating chains of molecules. The materials have unique properties depending on the type of molecules being bonded.

A fluoropolymer is a fluorocarbon-based polymer with multiple carbon-fluorine bonds. It is characterized by high resistance to solvents, acids, and bases. The first, and best-known, fluoropolymer is polytetrafluoroethylene, also known as Teflon.

While Teflon is arguably the most famous fluoropolymer used today, it is certainly not the only one. Other popular fluoropolymers include:

  • PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene)
  • PFA (perfluoroalkoxy alkane)
  • FEP (fluorinated ethylene propylene)
  • ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene)
  • PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride)
  • ECTFE (ethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene)

These may also be known by their brand names, including Excalibur, Algoflon, Xylan, Solef, and Fluon.

They also come in several different forms, making them well suited for several different applications. These forms include granulate, melt-processable, films, pastes, and dispersions.

Fluoropolymers are also used as a coating for products made of other materials. More on that later!

History of Fluoropolymers

While mineral fluorides were known as early as the 16th century, modern fluoropolymers were not discovered until the early 20th century. Fluoropolymers, as we know them, were first discovered in the form of polytetrafluoroethylene, better known by its brand name Teflon, or by its abbreviation PTFE.

It was discovered entirely by accident when in 1938, Roy J. Plunkett of Dupont accidentally froze a compressed sample of tetrafluoroethylene. This gaseous material became a white, waxy, and solid form that would, in 1945,  become marketed as Teflon.

Since than, of course, other fluoropolymers have been introduced, such as:

  • FEP in 1960
  • EFTE in 1970
  • PFA in 1972

In 1985, Dr. Plunket was introduced into the National Inventors’ Hall of Fame, where he joined the ranks of distinguished scientists and innovators such as Louis Pasteur and the Wright Brothers.

Benefits of Fluoropolymers

Fluoropolymers are a unique group of materials with many benefits that make them well suited for a variety of applications.

Chemical Resistant

Fluoropolymers have a very high resistance to chemicals and solvents. This allows them to be used to seal or contain hazardous materials.

Electrical Resistant

With the ability to insulate up to 5,000 volts, Fluoropolymers make excellent insulators for things such as electrical wiring.

High-Temperature Resistance

The typical range of temperatures that fluoropolymers can cover ranges from -328 degrees Fahrenheit all the way to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. With such a vast range, fluoropolymers are a perfect material for extreme environments.

 Low Friction (AKA Non-Stick)

Because they shed a molecule every time something passes over them, fluoropolymers are incredibly smooth and thus incredibly non-stick. This property has made them popular with cookware manufacturers.


The smooth surfaces of fluoropolymers are non-microbial, which makes them suitable for use in the food, beverage, medical, and pharmaceutical industries.

Other benefits include:

  • Durable
  • Self-cleaning
  • Corrosive Resistant
  • Non-Flammable
  • UV Resistant

Cons of Fluoropolymers


Unfortunately, such a versatile material comes at a higher price point. Fluoropolymers are often more expensive to produce than other materials, and even other polymers, or plastics.

Production Sizes

Fluoropolymers are relatively more difficult to process and manufacture, and can not be as easily mass-produced as other materials.

Can Shape Under Pressure

Elevated pressures and temperatures can affect their surfaces and cause them to bend and bulk.

Extremely High Temperatures

While it can withstand high temperatures and is resistant to chemicals, it can melt at 680 degrees Fahrenheit, making fluoropolymers unsuitable for molten environments.

Other cons include:

  • Cannot be Cemented
  • Unweldable
  • Decomposition Product Toxic

Uses of Fluoropolymers

Fluoropolymers are used in a wide variety of industries and applications, from the industrial to every day.

Industrial Applications

Because of their many benefits and versatility, fluoropolymers are frequently used in the industrial space.

The non-stick and chemical resistance makes them well suited for use in the processing of hazardous materials such as chemicals. This is particularly common within the oil and gas industry.

They are also popular materials with which to make machined parts. Because they are very durable on top of their aforementioned versatility, many manufacturers use fluoropolymers to make parts for machines, such as seals, backup rings, bushings, bearings, and canted coil springs.

Fluoropolymers are popular in the automotive industry, where fluoropolymer coatings help to prevent friction and corrosion in car parts. Another popular application is with the aerospace industry, where fluoropolymer coatings are applied to the wiring insulation.

Non-Industrial Applications

Fluoropolymers are also fantastic for the average consumer. Many everyday products are on the market today that use some form of fluoropolymer.

Teflon, or PTFE, is particularly popular. If you have a nonstick pan in your home, chances are it is made from Teflon. It is also used in waterproof clothing such as rain jackets and hiking shoes, self-cleaning ovens, microwave popcorn bags, pizza boxes, and more.

The demand for fluoropolymers is high. In fact, in 2011, it hit $7.25 billion. Thanks to innovative engineers, new uses and applications are constantly being developed.

In Conclusion

Fluoropolymers are one of the most versatile materials on the market. With high durability, high-temperature range, low-friction, and nontoxicity, fluoropolymers are often some of the best materials to choose for your project.

And if you need fluoropolymer products, Advanced EMC Technologies is the premiere one-stop solution. We provide many types of custom-made fluoropolymer products, including PTFE. We pride ourselves on being able to provide accurate, on-time solutions when you need them most.

Contact us today for more information!