by Brandon Pascual Brandon Pascual 1 Comment

Seals in Space: The Unsung Heroes of Rocketry

The quest for the cosmos is a testament to human ingenuity and determination. As we propel ourselves into the vast expanse of space, the intricate dance of technology and nature becomes ever more critical. One such marvel of engineering, often overlooked, is the role of seals in rocket engines and spacecraft. These small yet mighty components are vital for ensuring the success and safety of space missions.

The Silent Guardians of Rocket Propulsion

Rocket propulsion systems rely on the flawless separation of propellants until the moment of ignition. This separation is crucial, especially when dealing with hypergolic bi-propellants like RP-1 (highly refined kerosene) and Liquid Oxygen (LOX), which ignite spontaneously upon contact. Seals act as the guardians, preventing premature mixing and ensuring that each stage of the propulsion process occurs without incident.

However, the challenges faced by these seals are formidable. The cryogenic nature of LOX requires materials that can withstand extremely low temperatures. Traditional elastomers, commonly used in sealing applications, fall short of the necessary performance at such cryogenic conditions. This necessitates the use of advanced materials and innovative designs.

Hypergolic propellants, while efficient, introduce another layer of complexity. These substances are highly reactive and can ignite on contact, meaning any leak or failure in the seals could result in catastrophic consequences. Therefore, seals must be engineered to maintain their integrity under these extreme conditions, providing an unyielding barrier that ensures the safe handling of these volatile compounds.

Navigating the Extremes: Temperature and Pressure

Seals in rocket engines are exposed to a wide range of temperatures and pressures, from the cryogenic storage of LOX at temperatures as low as -450°F to the blistering heat of 4,000°F in the main combustion chamber. They must maintain their integrity and functionality across these extremes, ensuring no leaks or failures occur.

To put this into perspective, consider the temperature fluctuations a seal must endure during a typical rocket launch. Initially, the seals must function at cryogenic temperatures, ensuring the propellants remain securely stored. As the rocket ignites and propellants are fed into the combustion chamber, the seals are suddenly subjected to extreme heat and pressure. This rapid change can cause thermal expansion and contraction, which must be accounted for in the seal’s design to prevent material fatigue and failure.

The journey of propellants through the various stages of a rocket – from tanks to turbopump assemblies, compressors, pumps, ducts, joints, manifolds, and valves – exposes seals to different states of matter, pressures, and temperatures. Each stage requires seals to adapt and perform consistently, making their reliability paramount. This is where advanced materials like PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene), PEEK (Polyether ether ketone), and specialized elastomers come into play, providing the necessary resilience and flexibility to handle these demanding conditions.

Balancing Weight and Cost

In the aerospace industry, every gram counts. The weight of a rocket is directly proportional to the fuel required for launch, impacting the payload capacity and, ultimately, the commercial viability of the mission. Seals must therefore be lightweight yet robust, made from materials that offer excellent strength-to-weight ratios.

Advanced sealing materials like PTFE and PEEK are favored not only for their durability but also for their lightweight properties. PTFE, known for its low friction and high resistance to chemicals and temperature extremes, is often used in applications where traditional materials would fail. PEEK, on the other hand, offers exceptional mechanical strength and can withstand high pressures and temperatures, making it ideal for critical sealing applications in rocket engines.

Cost is another critical factor. Advanced sealing solutions, while more expensive, provide higher reliability and performance. The choice of materials, whether PTFE, PEEK, or specialized elastomers, and the type of seal, such as spring-energized encapsulated seals, play a significant role in the overall cost. Custom solutions tailored to specific requirements further drive up costs, but the investment is justified by the enhanced safety and reliability they offer.

The Art of Specifying and Designing Seals

Designing seals for rocket engines involves a meticulous consideration of various factors. The seals must withstand thermal cycling, maintain cleanliness, ensure chemical compatibility, and exhibit low friction and wear. The surface finish of glands, grooves, and the seal jacket must be flawless to prevent any points of failure.

Thermal cycling, the repeated heating and cooling cycles that seals undergo during a mission, can cause material degradation over time. Engineers must select materials that not only withstand these cycles but also maintain their sealing properties. Cleanliness is another critical factor, as any contamination can compromise the seal’s effectiveness and potentially cause leaks.

Chemical compatibility is essential, especially when dealing with aggressive propellants like LOX and RP-1. The seals must resist chemical attack and degradation, ensuring they maintain their integrity throughout the mission. Low friction and wear properties are equally important, as they reduce the risk of seal damage during the dynamic operations of the rocket.

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A Glimpse into the Future

As space exploration evolves, the demands on sealing technology will continue to grow. The development of reusable rockets, new propellant combinations, and extended missions into deeper space will require even more advanced and resilient seals. The pursuit of these innovations is not just about enhancing performance but also about ensuring the safety and success of every mission.

Reusable rockets, such as those being developed by SpaceX and Blue Origin, present unique challenges for sealing technology. The seals must not only perform flawlessly during multiple launches and re-entries but also endure the rigors of refurbishment and reuse. This requires seals that can maintain their properties over extended periods and through numerous thermal cycles.

New propellant combinations, including methane-based propellants, introduce additional complexities. Methane, while offering advantages in terms of performance and availability, can pose different challenges for seals compared to traditional RP-1 and LOX. Engineers must develop seals that are compatible with these new propellants, ensuring they provide the same level of reliability and safety.

Extended missions into deeper space, such as those planned for Mars and beyond, will push the limits of sealing technology. The seals must withstand the harsh conditions of space, including extreme temperatures, radiation, and vacuum, while maintaining their sealing properties over long durations. This will drive the development of new materials and designs that can meet these unprecedented challenges.


In the grand tapestry of space exploration, seals may seem like minor players, but their role is nothing short of heroic. They stand as the unsung guardians, ensuring that each component of a rocket operates flawlessly, propelling humanity toward new frontiers. As we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, the technology behind these seals will remain a cornerstone of our journey to the stars.

by Brandon Pascual Brandon Pascual 1 Comment

🚀Advanced Seals for Cryogenic Hypergolic Bipropellants

At Advanced EMC Technologies, we push the boundaries of engineering. Our goal is to deliver cutting-edge solutions for the aerospace industry. In this blog post, we highlight our new advancement: specialized seals for cryogenic hypergolic bipropellants. Join us as we explore this innovation, its challenges, and its impact on rocket engine performance.

The Critical Role of Our Rocket Engine Seals

Rocket propulsion systems are crucial for space exploration. The performance and safety of these systems depend on their components. Rocket engine seals are among these critical components. Our seals, designed for cryogenic hypergolic bipropellants, ensure the system operates safely and efficiently under extreme conditions.

Importance in the Industry

Rocket engine seals maintain the integrity of the propulsion system. They prevent leaks and ensure efficient fuel usage. These seals must endure extreme temperatures, chemical reactions, and pressure changes. Our seals meet these requirements, making them essential for successful space missions.

Overcoming Significant Challenges with Precision

Developing seals for cryogenic hypergolic bipropellants involves several challenges. Here, we explore these hurdles and how our engineering solutions overcome them.

Extreme Temperatures

Cryogenic fuels, like liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, operate at very low temperatures. Traditional materials can become brittle and fail. This compromises the entire propulsion system.

Advanced Material Engineering

To solve this, we use advanced polymers and composites. These materials stay flexible and maintain integrity at cryogenic temperatures. For instance, we use fluoroelastomers and perfluoroelastomers. These materials perform well in low temperatures and ensure that the seals do not crack.

Case Study: Low-Temperature Testing

In our testing facilities, we subject seals to cryogenic temperatures. We simulate real-world conditions by submerging seals in liquid nitrogen (-196°C). Our seals maintain flexibility and sealing capabilities, proving their suitability for cryogenic applications.

Chemical Reactivity

Hypergolic bipropellants ignite upon contact. This requires seals that resist chemical reactions. Seals must prevent any interaction between the propellants and the seal materials to avoid failures.

Material Formulation

Our seals are made of materials that withstand corrosion and maintain a secure seal. For example, we use PTFE and other fluoropolymers. These materials do not react with hypergolic bipropellants, ensuring a stable seal.

Case Study: Chemical Exposure Testing

We expose our seals to hypergolic bipropellants like hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide. Our seals resist chemical degradation and maintain their performance. This test confirms their chemical compatibility with hypergolic bipropellants.

Pressure Variability

Rocket engines experience pressure changes from the vacuum of space to high-pressure combustion. Seals must perform reliably under these conditions to keep the propulsion system secure.

Design and Engineering

Our seals withstand both high and low pressures. We use innovative designs and materials. We also use finite element analysis (FEA) to model seal behavior under pressure. This ensures they can handle the stresses during a mission.

For more insights into the critical role of seals in space missions, check out this detailed Q&A with Pat Dunlap and Bruce Steinetz from NASA’s Glenn Research Center. They discuss the development of robust seals for the NASA Docking System, used in the historic SpaceX Crew Dragon mission. This article provides a deeper understanding of the challenges and innovations involved in creating seals that ensure the safety and efficiency of space missions.

Read more: Sealed with Care – A Q&A with NASA’s Glenn Research Center

Remarkable Achievements in Engineering by Advanced EMC Technologies

At Advanced EMC Technologies, our commitment to innovation leads to significant advancements in seal development. Here, we discuss the achievements that set our seals apart.

Advanced Materials

We use cutting-edge polymers and composites known for thermal and chemical resistance. These materials include fluoroelastomers, perfluoroelastomers, and PTFE-based compounds.

Material Selection Process

Our material selection process involves evaluating each material’s properties. We consider thermal stability, chemical resistance, and mechanical strength. We work with leading scientists and suppliers to source high-quality materials.

Precision Manufacturing

Using state-of-the-art manufacturing processes, we ensure each seal is crafted with precision. Our techniques include molding, machining, and extrusion. These processes produce seals with exact specifications.

Manufacturing Techniques

  • Molding: Compression and injection molding produce seals with complex geometries and precise dimensions.
  • Machining: CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining achieves unparalleled precision for intricate features.
  • Extrusion: Extrusion processes manufacture long, uniform seals.

Comprehensive Testing

Our rigorous testing protocols validate seal performance. We test for cryogenic temperatures, chemical exposure, and pressure cycling. This ensures our seals meet high standards of reliability and safety.

Testing Protocols

  • Cryogenic Testing: Seals are subjected to extreme cold to ensure flexibility and performance.
  • Chemical Exposure Testing: Seals face hypergolic bipropellants to evaluate corrosion resistance.
  • Pressure Cycling Testing: Seals undergo repeated pressure cycles to simulate real-world conditions.

Transforming Rocket Engine Performance

Our advanced seals transform rocket engine performance. Here, we explore the specific benefits and improvements our seals bring.

Enhanced Safety

Our seals prevent leaks and failures, contributing to overall propulsion system safety. This protects both the mission and personnel.

Safety Case Study

Our seals were used in a mission-critical rocket launch. They performed flawlessly, preventing leaks and ensuring mission success. This case highlights the importance of reliable seals in rocket propulsion systems.

Optimized Efficiency

Secure seals ensure efficient fuel usage, enhancing engine efficiency and optimizing fuel consumption. This is crucial for long-duration missions.

Efficiency Improvement Analysis

Our seals improve fuel efficiency by reducing leaks and ensuring optimal combustion. This leads to longer missions and greater payload capacities, benefiting space exploration and satellite deployment.

Unmatched Reliability

Our seals offer unprecedented reliability, enabling more ambitious missions. Reduced failure risk opens new possibilities for exploration and technology deployment.

Reliability Metrics

  • Longevity: Our seals have long lifespans, reducing the need for replacements.
  • Consistency: Our seals perform consistently over multiple missions, ensuring reliability.

The Future of Aerospace Propulsion with Advanced EMC Technologies

Looking ahead, robust, reliable, and efficient propulsion systems are crucial. Our advanced rocket engine seals reflect our pursuit of excellence and innovation in aerospace.

Vision for the Future

We aim to continuously improve and innovate seal technology. Our vision supports ambitious missions like deep space exploration, lunar bases, and interplanetary travel.

Research and Development Initiatives

We invest in research and development to explore new materials and designs. We collaborate with leading institutions and industry partners to stay at the forefront of seal technology.

Commitment to Quality

Quality is at our core. Every seal we produce meets high standards of performance, reliability, and safety. We follow strict quality control measures and constantly seek to improve our processes and products.


The development of our advanced rocket engine seals showcases Advanced EMC Technologies’ commitment to excellence and innovation. Our pioneering work advances current capabilities and sets the stage for future explorations.

by Denise Sullivan Denise Sullivan No Comments

Exploring the Revolutionary Applications of PEEK Plastic Material: A Comprehensive Overview of PEEK Material Application in Various Industries

The demand for high-performance materials has increased in recent years, driven by technological advancements and a need for superior properties in various industries. One such material that has gained significant attention is Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK) plastic. With its unique combination of exceptional mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties, PEEK has become a game-changer in multiple sectors.

peek material application

This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the revolutionary applications of PEEK plastic material across different industries. From aerospace and automotive to medical and electronics, we will explore how this versatile material transforms these sectors with its remarkable performance capabilities.

The Versatility of PEEK Plastic Material

PEEK plastic is known for its outstanding versatility and exceptional properties. Let’s delve into some key characteristics that make it an ideal choice for various applications:

  1. High-Temperature Resistance: One of the standout features of PEEK plastic is its ability to withstand extreme temperatures. It can operate continuously at temperatures up to 260°C (500°F) without losing its mechanical properties or degrading chemically.
  2. Mechanical Strength: PEEK exhibits impressive mechanical strength and stiffness, making it suitable for demanding applications where structural integrity is crucial.
  3. Chemical Resistance: This material is excellently resistant to chemicals such as acids, bases, solvents, fuels, and radiation exposure.
  4. Low Friction Coefficient: With a low friction coefficient comparable to that of lubricated metals like steel or brass, PEEK reduces wear and tear while improving the efficiency of moving parts.
  5. Biocompatibility: Due to its biocompatible nature, PEEK is ideal for medical applications where compatibility with human tissues is vital.
  6. Electrical Insulation Properties: PEEK is widely used in electrical and electronic applications due to its high dielectric strength and low moisture absorption.

With these remarkable properties, it’s no wonder that PEEK plastic is widely used in various industries. Below, we’ll explore some of the revolutionary applications of this material.

Aerospace Industry: Lightweight Solutions for Enhanced Performance

The aerospace industry demands lightweight materials to withstand extreme conditions and improve fuel efficiency. PEEK plastic has emerged as an excellent choice for various aerospace applications:

  1. Aircraft Interiors: PEEK’s ability to meet stringent flammability standards makes it a preferred material for aircraft interiors. It is used in seating systems, ducting, insulation panels, and cabin interiors.
  2. Engine Components: With its high-temperature resistance and mechanical strength, PEEK is employed in engine components like seals, gaskets, thrust washers, bearings, and compressor parts.
  3. Aircraft Structural Parts: PEEK’s lightweight nature reduces weight in aircraft structural parts without compromising strength or durability.

Automotive Industry: Advancing Performance and Efficiency

In the automotive sector, where performance and efficiency are paramount concerns, PEEK plastic offers several advantages:

  1. Engine Components: Similar to aerospace applications, PEEK is used in various engine components such as piston rings, valve seats/inserts, connectors/seals for turbochargers, and exhaust systems due to its ability to withstand high temperatures and chemical resistance.
  2. Electrical Systems: Electric vehicles are becoming more popular globally due to their eco-friendly nature, and the demand for reliable electrical systems is also increasing. Thanks to its excellent electrical insulation properties and resistance against thermal degradation under high voltage conditions, PEEK has become an ideal choice for connectors/plugs within these systems.
  3. Interior Applications: In vehicle interiors where weight reduction is crucial without compromising safety or aesthetics, manufacturers utilize the lightweight yet robust characteristics of PEEK for components such as seat frames, door handles, and dashboard parts.

Medical Sector: Transforming Healthcare Solutions

PEEK plastic has revolutionized the medical industry with its exceptional biocompatibility and sterilization compatibility. Here are some notable applications:

  1. Orthopedic Implants: PEEK’s biocompatible nature, strength, and radiolucency make it an ideal material for orthopedic implants such as spinal cages, joint replacements, and trauma fixation devices.
  2. Dental Applications: PEEK is used in dental prosthetics like crowns and bridges due to its excellent esthetics, durability, resistance to wear against natural teeth, and biocompatibility with oral tissues.
  3. Surgical Instruments: The lightweight nature of PEEK, combined with its chemical resistance, makes it a preferred choice for surgical instruments that require autoclaving or repeated sterilization cycles.
  4. Medical Devices: From catheters and pacemaker components to drug delivery systems and diagnostic equipment housings, PEEK enables the development of advanced medical devices that meet stringent regulatory requirements while enhancing patient care.

Electronics Industry: Enabling Technological Innovations

In the ever-evolving electronics industry, where miniaturization is critical, PEEK plays a crucial role in enabling technological innovations:

  1. Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs): With their excellent electrical insulation properties and high-temperature resistance, PEEK is used as PCB substrates, providing stability under extreme conditions while ensuring signal integrity.
  2. Connectors/Plugs: Due to their high dielectric strength and chemical resistance, PEEK connectors/plugs help maintain reliable electrical connections in electronic devices, even in harsh environments or when exposed to aggressive substances.
  3. Insulation Components: In power electronics applications with critical thermal management, PEEK insulating materials help dissipate heat effectively while providing electrical insulation between circuit board components.

PEEK plastic has emerged as a revolutionary material that is transforming various industries by providing exceptional performance capabilities across different sectors. Its unique combination of mechanical strength, chemical resistance, thermal stability, biocompatibility, and electrical insulation properties have made it indispensable in aerospace engineering, automotive manufacturing, medical advancements, and electronics innovations. From reducing weight and improving fuel efficiency in aircraft and automobiles to enhancing patient care with biocompatible orthopedic implants and medical devices, PEEK plastic continues to push the boundaries of what is possible.

As industries continue to evolve and demand increasingly high-performance materials, PEEK will undoubtedly play a vital role in driving innovation and finding new applications. With its versatility, reliability, and remarkable properties, PEEK plastic has become a game-changer that opens up new possibilities for technological advancements across multiple sectors.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Q: What are the advantages of using PEEK plastic over other materials?
    A: PEEK offers advantages such as high-temperature resistance, exceptional mechanical properties, chemical resistance, low friction coefficient, biocompatibility, and electrical insulation. These qualities make it ideal for various industries requiring superior performance.
  2. Q: Is PEEK plastic environmentally friendly?
    A: PEEK plastic is considered environmentally friendly as it can be recycled and reused multiple times without losing its performance properties. Additionally, its lightweight nature contributes to fuel efficiency in transportation applications.
  3. Q: How does PEEK compare to metal alloys regarding weight reduction?
    A: Compared to metal alloys like steel or aluminum, PEEK plastic reduces weight while maintaining strength and stiffness. This makes it attractive for industries seeking lightweight solutions without compromising performance.
  4. Q: Can PEEK withstand sterilization processes used in medical applications?
    A: One of the remarkable features of PEEK is its ability to withstand repeated sterilization cycles commonly employed in medical applications such as autoclaving or ethylene oxide sterilization.
  5. Q: Is PEEK suitable for high-frequency electronic applications?
    A: Absolutely! The excellent electrical insulation properties and low dielectric loss tangent make PEEK a preferred material for high-frequency electronic applications where signal integrity is crucial.
by Denise Sullivan Denise Sullivan No Comments

Exploring the World of PEEK Advanced Polymer Unveiling the Wonders of PEEK Material and its Polymerization Process

In the world of advanced polymers, one material that stands out for its exceptional properties and versatility is PEEK. Polyether ether ketone (PEEK) is a high-performance thermoplastic polymer that has revolutionized various industries due to its unique combination of mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties. PEEK has found its way into countless products and technologies, from aerospace to medical applications. This article will delve deep into the world of PEEK advanced polymer, exploring its characteristics, applications, and the fascinating process behind its polymerization.

PEEK Advanced Polymer

What is PEEK?

PEEK is a semi-crystalline thermoplastic belonging to the polyaryletherketones family (PAEK). It was first developed in 1978 by Victrex plc., a leading manufacturer of high-performance polymers. The molecular structure of PEEK consists of repeating units containing an aromatic ketone group connected by ether linkages. This unique structure gives rise to remarkable properties that set it apart from other polymers.

Key Characteristics of PEEK

  • High-Temperature Resistance: One of the most impressive features of PEEK is its ability to withstand extreme temperatures without losing its mechanical integrity. It can operate continuously at temperatures up to 250°C (482°F) with short-term excursions up to 300°C (572°F), making it suitable for demanding applications where conventional plastics would fail.
  • Excellent Chemical Resistance: Another notable property of PEEK is its resistance to various chemicals, including acids, bases, solvents, oils, and greases. This makes it an ideal choice for environments where exposure to corrosive substances is expected.
  • Mechanical Strength: Despite being lightweight compared to metals, PEEK exhibits exceptional mechanical strength and rigidity. It has a high tensile strength and modulus of elasticity, making it suitable for load-bearing applications.
  • Low Friction Coefficient: PEEK has a low friction coefficient, similar to PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene). This property makes it an excellent choice for applications requiring reduced wear and friction, such as bearings and seals.
  • Biocompatibility: PEEK is biologically inert and does not elicit adverse reactions when in contact with human tissues or bodily fluids. This biocompatibility makes it ideal for medical implants and devices.

The Polymerization Process

The synthesis of PEEK involves a two-step process: nucleophilic substitution reaction followed by polycondensation. Let’s explore each step in detail:

Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction

In the first step, 4,4’-difluorobenzophenone (DFBPA) reacts with bisphenol-A (BPA) in the presence of an alkali metal base catalyst such as potassium carbonate (K2CO3). This reaction leads to the intermediate diphenyl ether ketone (DPEK) formation.

Chemical Equation:

DFBPA + 2 BPA + 2 K2CO3 → DPEK + 4 KF + CO2


The second step involves the polycondensation reaction, where DPEK undergoes further polymerization to form long chains of PEEK. This process is typically carried out under high temperatures (>300°C) and vacuum conditions to facilitate the removal of volatile by-products.

Chemical Equation:

n DPEK → [PEEK]n + n phenol

It is important to note that water molecules are generated as a by-product during this process, which can hinder molecular weight development if it is not removed effectively.

Applications of PEEK

Due to its exceptional properties, PEEK has found widespread use in various industries. Let’s explore some of its critical applications:

Aerospace and Defense

PEEK is widely used in aerospace and defense due to its lightweight nature, high strength, and chemical resistance. It is used in components such as brackets, connectors, seals, and electrical insulation.

Oil and Gas

The oil and gas industry relies on materials that can withstand harsh environments. PEEK’s chemical resistance and high-temperature stability suit it for downhole applications like seals, bushings, valves, and pump components.

Medical Devices

PEEK is extensively used in the medical field due to its biocompatibility and sterilizability. It finds applications in orthopedic implants (such as spinal cages), surgical instruments, dental tools, and prosthetics.


Due to its flame-retardant properties, in the automotive industry, PEEK is utilized for various purposes, including electrical connectors, fuel system components (such as sensors), gears, bearings, bushings, and interior trims.


PEEK’s excellent dielectric properties make it a preferred choice for electrical insulation applications such as connectors and insulating tapes. Its ability to withstand high temperatures makes it suitable for electronic device housings.

PEEK advanced polymer has proven to be a game-changer in various industries due to its exceptional properties and versatility. From aerospace to medical applications, its ability to withstand high temperatures, resist chemicals, and maintain mechanical strength makes it an ideal choice for demanding environments. The polymerization process behind the creation of PEEK involves nucleophilic substitution reactions followed by polycondensation. With its wide range of applications and continuous advancements in manufacturing techniques like 3D printing, the future looks bright for this remarkable material.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Is PEEK recyclable?
    Yes! PEEK can be recycled through methods like pyrolysis or mechanical recycling processes.
  2. What are the limitations of using PEEK?
    While highly versatile, there are a few limitations to using PEEK. It comes at a higher cost compared to conventional plastics. Additionally, machining or processing it can be challenging due to its high melting point.
  3. Can PEEK be 3D printed?
    Yes! With technological advancements, especially selective laser sintering (SLS) and fused deposition modeling (FDM), PEEK can be successfully 3D printed.
  4. Is PEEK FDA-approved for medical applications?
    PEEK has received FDA approval for various medical applications, including orthopedic implants and surgical instruments.
  5. What are the advantages of using PEEK over metals?
    Using PEEK instead of metals offers several advantages, such as weight reduction, corrosion resistance, electrical insulation properties, and easier processing and machining.
by Denise Sullivan Denise Sullivan No Comments

Understanding the Different Types of Composite Bushings in Technology

In the world of technology, composite bushings play a crucial role in various applications. These bushings reduce friction and lubricate mechanical systems, ensuring smooth and efficient operation. However, “composite bushing” can be ambiguous as different manufacturers may use different product materials and designs. This article will explore the composite bushings commonly found in technology applications.

 composite bushings

Composite Bushing Design 1: Steel Backed with Sintered Bronze Layer and Polymer Lining

One popular design for composite bushings involves combining a steel backing with a sintered bronze layer covered by a polymer lining such as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). This design offers excellent load-bearing capabilities due to the steel backing while benefiting from the self-lubricating properties of PTFE.

The steel backing provides strength and structural support to withstand high loads and shock forces experienced during operation. It also acts as a solid foundation for the sintered bronze layer, which increases wear resistance and enhances load distribution across the surface area.

The sintered bronze layer compresses powdered bronze particles under high pressure and temperature. This process creates tiny interconnected pores that retain lubricants such as oil or grease, allowing continuous lubrication even under extreme conditions.

A polymer lining like PTFE is applied over the sintered bronze layer to optimize performance further. PTFE offers exceptional low-friction properties resulting in reduced wear on both mating surfaces. It also provides excellent chemical resistance against corrosive fluids or gases commonly encountered in technology applications.

Composite Bushing Design 2: Polymer Resin with Glass Fibers Filament Wound and PTFE Lining

 Another common type of composite bushing utilizes a combination of polymer resin reinforced with glass fibers that are filament wound followed by applying a PTFE lining. This design offers excellent mechanical strength, high wear resistance, and low friction characteristics.

The polymer resin acts as the primary load-bearing material in this design. It is chosen for its ability to withstand high loads while providing flexibility to absorb vibrations and shocks during operation. The resin is typically reinforced with glass fibers to enhance its mechanical properties further.

Glass fibers are known for their exceptional tensile strength and stiffness, making them ideal reinforcements for composite materials. These fibers are arranged in a specific pattern using filament winding techniques, creating a robust and durable structure that can withstand heavy loads without deformation.

A PTFE lining is applied over the filament wound composite structure to reduce friction and provide lubrication. PTFE’s self-lubricating properties ensure smooth operation by minimizing wear between moving parts. Additionally, it offers excellent thermal stability and chemical resistance, making it suitable for various technology applications subjected to harsh environments.

Applications of Composite Bushings

Composite bushings find wide-ranging applications in technology due to their unique properties. Some common examples include:

  1. Automotive Industry: Composite bushings are used in suspension systems, steering columns, engine components like connecting rods or camshafts, and gearbox assemblies.
  2. Aerospace Industry: Composite bushings are utilized in landing gear systems, control surfaces like flaps or rudders, engine mounts, actuator mechanisms, etc., where lightweight yet robust components are required.
  3. Industrial Machinery: Composite bushings find application in heavy machinery such as conveyor systems or hydraulic cylinders where high load capacity and reduced maintenance requirements are desired.
  4. Medical Equipment: Medical devices like surgical instruments or prosthetic limbs require smooth movement with minimal wear on joints or pivot points.

Benefits of Using Composite Bushings

The utilization of composite bushings offers several advantages over traditional bearing materials:

  1. Self-Lubricating Properties: Composite bushings eliminate the need for additional lubrication systems, reducing maintenance requirements and associated costs.
  2. Low Friction: The low-friction characteristics of composite bushings reduce wear on mating surfaces, resulting in extended service life and improved efficiency.
  3. Resistance to Corrosion: Composite bushings can withstand exposure to harsh chemicals or corrosive environments without degradation, making them suitable for various applications.
  4. High Load Capacity: Combining different materials in composite bushing designs provides excellent load-bearing capabilities, ensuring reliable operation even under heavy loads.

Composite bushings are essential in technology applications by providing friction reduction and lubrication properties. Manufacturers offer various designs based on the materials used, such as steel-backed with a sintered bronze layer and polymer lining or polymer resin reinforced with glass fibers filament wound and PTFE lining. Understanding the different types of composite bushings allows engineers to select the most suitable option for their specific application requirements. Whether it’s automotive suspension systems, aerospace components, industrial machinery, or medical equipment, the benefits offered by composite bushings make them an integral part of modern technological advancements.

by Denise Sullivan Denise Sullivan No Comments

5 Common reasons of Valve Seat Failure

valve seat failure


Valve seat failure can lead to costly and time-consuming issues. Under certain circumstances, a ball valve seat failure can cause explosions and lead to life-threatening situations. In this article, we will cover the top five causes of failure.

Material Choice

The material choice of the valve seat can contribute to valve seat problems if you pick the wrong option. Different materials work in different operating conditions, so you want to ensure that you research the material carefully before choosing.

The most common material options are 

  • PEEK
  • PTFE
  • TFM
  • Acetal
  • Vespel

The wrong material can cause unexpected issues that may damage the hardware of mating components or even physical injury.

Cold Flow

While PTFE, or Teflon, is a common material in valve seats, there could be some cold flow resistance issues. Cold flow is the process when solid material slowly deforms under the influence of long-term mechanical stress.

The cold flow of material during us and cycling causes a slow deterioration in valve performance. Despite cold flow issues, PTFE is still the best choice in many industries. Choose a filled PTFE instead of virgin PTFE to mitigate complications from cold flow. Filled is less susceptible to stress and has better resistance to cold flow.

Excessive Friction

Excessive friction can also cause valve seat issues. Excessive circumferential seal force accelerates wear on the valve, which leads to an increase in torque requirements. The friction between the ball and the valve seat affects how much torque is necessary to turn the ball valve. 

 When the temperature in the valve increases, the pressure between the valve seat and the ball increases. Increased temperature creates greater friction between the valve ball and the seat. 

Eventually, the valve can become locked either open or closed. As the required torque increases, the valve seat is torn apart, and mechanical failure occurs.

Valve Seat Failure: Seat and Seat Carrier Design

The valve seat is one of the most critical components. However, poor seat design can lead to a shortened lifespan, leakage, or catastrophic failure. The catastrophic failure could lead to explosions or life-threatening damage in particular environments.

Soft seat valves typically use metallic seat carriers with the valve seats pressed into them. As with the seat design, the seat carrier design can have similar problems. If the seat carrier design is slightly off, it could make it difficult to determine where the problem lies.

Permanent Deformation

In high-pressure applications, the valve setting of soft seats is necessary. To correctly set soft seals, the valve is repeatedly actuated during part of the build process. This repeated actuation can cause permanent deformation during normal use.

A failure to understand the initial deformation will cause the valve to fail. It won’t fail on initial use, but it will eventually stop working, and the valve will either need to be rebuilt or replaced as a result.

Valve Seat Failure Conclusion

Whether your valve requires PTFE, PEEK, or any other material, you want to ensure you get the appropriate material for your valve seat. Incorrect materials and excessive friction, seat design malfunctions, and permanent deformations can cause failures. 

Contact us today to learn more about the valve seats we offer and assist you in finding the appropriate material for your applications.


by Bill Vardeman Bill Vardeman No Comments

Types of Seals for Oil and Gas Industry

seals for oil and gas

Seals used in the oil and gas industry must withstand high temperatures, high pressure, and a chemically hostile environment. The conditions limit the material used to make the seals for this industry. The most common types of materials include

  • PTFE
  • PEEK
  • UHMW
  • Hytrel

Let’s look further into these materials, their benefits, and their limitations. 

What is PTFE?

Polytetrafluroro Ethylene (PTFE) is a synthetic fluoropolymer with high-temperature resistance, commonly known as Teflon. It is a hydrophobic, high-molecular-weight polymer consisting of carbon and fluorine.

Benefits of Using PTFE

PTFE is ideal for use in the oil and gas industry as it is resistant to extreme high and low temperatures. In addition, PTFE has a low coefficient and a low dielectric constant. Finally, the hydro resistance nature of the material makes it a top choice for working with steam or heated seawater. 

One of the most significant benefits of using PTFE is the resistance to harsh chemicals. It has the broadest chemical resistance of commercial polymers. For example, seals made of this material are resistant to hydrogen sulfide, ferric chloride, ferrous sulfate, hydrochloric acid, and hydrofluoric acid. 

Limitations of PTFE

PTFE’s limitations make it unsuitable for some uses. For example, it is sensitive to creep and abrasion, requiring regular maintenance. PTFE also has low radiation resistance and can corrode and produce toxic fumes as it breaks down.

Properties of PTFE

PTFE has a density of 2200 kg/m3 with a melting point of 327°C (620°F). PTFE maintains self-lubrication, strength, and toughness at temperatures down to -268 °C (-450.67°F). Additional properties include:

ptfe seal used by oil and gas

What Are Some Common Oil and Gas Applications of PTFE?

PTFE is one of the more common materials used in oil and gas seals. For example, O-rings, slipper seals, backup rings, piston rings, and spring-energized seals use PTFE material. In addition, natural gas, cold media seals, bearings, and wear components also use PTFE for manufacturing.


What Is PEEK?

Polyetheretherketone, or PEEK, is a colorless organic thermoplastic semi-crystalline polymer with excellent mechanical and chemical resistance properties. It’s high-resistance to terminal degradation makes it useful in oil and gas environments.

Benefits of using PEEK

As with PTFE, PEEK has several benefits for oil and gas companies. It has good dimensional stability and chemical resistance. In addition, PEEK is resistant to gamma radiation and X-rays.

PEEK has high mechanical strength and is ideal for high vacuum applications. Its robust nature makes it suitable for demanding applications such as the oil and gas industry. It works well in compressors, pumps, and pistons.

Limitations of PEEK

Despite PEEK’s many benefits, there are some drawbacks to using this material. It has low UV light resistance. It is also unsuitable for nitric acid, sulphuric acid, sodium, and halogens. In addition, it is expensive to make and requires high temperatures to process. 

Properties of PEEK

PEEK has a high tensile strength of 25000 to 30000 psi. It has a V0 flammability rating of 1.45mm and can withstand high loads for extended periods without residual damage. Additional properties include:

What Are Some Common Oil and Gas Applications of PEEK?

Labyrinth, spring-energized piston seals, backup rings, and seal packing in the oil and gas industry are manufactured using PEEK materials. In addition, it is the material most often chosen for the face seals at the wellhead to contain the high-pressure production of gas and fluid.

What is UHMW Polyethylene?

Ultra-High Molecular-Weight, UHMW, Polyethylene seals are thermoplastic, semi-crystalline materials. It is lightweight with a high-pressure tolerance that makes it ideal for spring energized seals used by the oil and gas industry.

Benefits of Using UHMW Polyethylene

Seals made from UHMW have the benefit of being both abrasion and impact resistant. This self-lubricating material has a low friction coefficient. It withstands extreme colds and high temperatures.

 It has a high molecular weight, meaning UHMW is not likely to melt and flow as a liquid. This material cannot be molded by traditional methods, thanks to the high molecular weight. Instead, it is compression molded to make it stronger.

Limitations of UHMW Polyethylene

While UHMW Polyethylene has many benefits for the oil and gas industry, there are some limitations, such as having a lower maximum continuous surface temperature than other materials. 

UHMW Polyethylene has a compressive strength of 3000 psi. In addition, it has a maximum safe workload of 1000 psi in some industries. Overload can cause UHMW polyethylene to crack or break.

Properties of UHMW Polyethylene

UHMW polyethylene seals are self-lubricating and have low surface energy, which makes them ideal for the oil and gas industry. Other UHMW polyethylene properties include

uhmw seals used by oil and gas

What Are Some Oil and Gas Applications for UHMW Polyethylene?

UHMW polyethylene material is used for seals in the oil and gas industry. It is used to make spring energized seals. It is also used for cargo dock impact bumpers and liners.

What is PCTFE?

Polychorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE) is a chemical compound with a high tensile stretch and good thermal properties. Its chemical-resistant properties make it ideal for use in the oil and gas industry for seals and other components.

Benefits of Using PCTFE

Seals made with PCTFE are nonflammable and heat resistant up to 175°C (347°F). They are also resistant to acetone, hydrochloric acid, sodium peroxide, citric acid, and sulfuric acid. It is water-resistant as well.

PCTFE has a board temperature range with a useful temperature range of -204.4°C (-400°F) to  193.3°C (380°F). When comparing PCTFE vs PTFE, PCTFE is a stronger polymer with better mechanical properties.

Limitations of PCTFE

PCTFE has many beneficial properties for the oil and gas industry. However, some limitations, such as a lower melting point when compared to PEEK or PTFE, might make it less desirable. Seals used in extreme temperatures may need to be a different material.

Additionally, PCTFE is a stiffer material. While this does allow it to maintain its dimensions better, it does break easier than PTFE. Along with being stiffer, it is not as non-stick when compared to PTFE.

Properties of PCTFE

PCTFE has V-0 flammability and a hardness of 67 at 100°C and 80 at 25°C. Other properties include



What Are Some Oil and Gas Applications for PCTFE?

Like PEEK or PTFE, PCTFE is a great material for seals in the oil and gas industry. It’s chemical resistance, which means it can be used in the most volatile industries. Fillers within the seals can enhance some of the properties. PCTFE is also used in component designs and valve seats.

What is Hytrel?

Hytrel is a thermoplastic polyester elastomer that is plasticizer-free. It is a stable material with needed flexibility while handling high temperatures. It is a worthwhile option to consider for the oil and gas industry.

Benefits of Using Hytrel

As a seal material for the oil and gas industry, Hytrel has good chemical resistance. It can withstand exposure to fuel, hydrocarbon solvents, and oil. Additionally, as the material is exposed to higher temperatures, it becomes more rigid. At lower temperatures, it is more flexible.

Hytrel is abrasion resistance. It offers impact and creep resistance to the seals. It also is resilient and excels at providing flex fatigue and tear resistance. Hytrel has a natural spring-like property and has low hysteresis.

Limitations of Hytrel

As there are several models of Hytrel, only a few are best for use in seals. Hytrel 4556, 4056,4068,4069, and 6356 are the ones that work best. However, these don’t always work well in the oil field, so you should know which ones to look for.

Properties of Hytrel

Hytrel has V-0 flammability and a hardness of 67 at 100°C and 80 at 25°C. Other properties include


seals for oil and gas


What Are Some Oil and Gas Applications for Hytrel?

Hytrel is useful as a seal material in the oil and gas industry. As it is resistant to many chemicals, including hydrocarbon solvents, it is ideal for hazardous conditions.

Which Seal Type is Best for the Oil and Gas Industry?

Each seal type has its uses and benefits for the oil and gas industry. However, the best options are PEEK, UHMW, PCTFE, and Hytrel. It is because they have the best physical properties to withstand the harsh conditions in the oil and gas field. 

At Advanced EMC Technologies, we offer custom-engineered sealing systems that provide reliable sealing solutions. Our seals perform under high temperatures, high pressure, and chemically hostile environments. Contact us for more information.


Seals for Oil and Gas Industry FAQ

IS PEEK environmentally friendly?

There is no evidence that PEEK has a significant environmental impact in its service life, disposal, or manufacturing. Toxicity is low and does not contain anything known to be toxic. There is low smoke, poisonous gas emissions, and fire when involved in a fire.

What are spring-energized seals?

Spring-energized seals can store mechanical energy by compressing the spring. As a result, they withstand more pressure and heat than their conventional counterparts. In the end, the mechanical energy stored in the seal keeps it from leaking.

by Sara McCaslin, PhD Sara McCaslin, PhD No Comments

Polymer Seals for Nuclear Applications

In general, thermoplastics are known for being corrosion resistant, robust, and usually easy to fabricate. However, the operating environment makes it challenging to find good polymer seals for nuclear applications. In this blog post, the focus will be on thermoplastic polymer sealing solutions as an alternative to elastomeric seals.

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