by Denise Sullivan Denise Sullivan No Comments

The Evolution of PTFE: Unraveling the History and Advancements in PTFE Fiber and Polymer

PTFE, or Polytetrafluoroethylene, is a remarkable material known for its exceptional properties and wide range of applications. PTFE has become integral to our modern lives, from non-stick cookware to electrical insulation. This article will explore the history and advancements in PTFE fiber and polymer, exploring how this versatile material has evolved.

ptfe fiber

The Origins of PTFE

The story of PTFE began in 1938 when a chemist named Dr. Roy Plunkett accidentally discovered the substance while working on refrigerants at DuPont’s Jackson Laboratory in New Jersey. During an experiment involving tetrafluoroethylene gas (TFE), Plunkett noticed that the gas had solidified within his container. Upon further investigation, he realized he had stumbled upon a new polymer with unique properties.

This accidental discovery marked the birth of Polytetrafluoroethylene or PTFE. This substance would revolutionize various industries due to its exceptional characteristics.

Properties and Applications

1. Non-Stick Coating

One of the most well-known properties of PTFE is its non-stick nature. This property arises from its low surface energy, which allows substances to slide off its surface easily without sticking. It paved the way for non-stick cookware such as Teflon pans and baking sheets.

2. Chemical Resistance

PTFE exhibits remarkable chemical resistance against acids, bases, solvents, and other corrosive substances. This property is ideal for chemical processing equipment such as piping systems, gaskets, seals, and valves.

3. Electrical Insulation

Due to its excellent dielectric properties and high melting point stability, PTFE is widely used as electrical insulation in various industries. It can withstand high voltages and is commonly found in cables, connectors, and insulating tapes.

4. Low Friction

PTFE possesses an extremely low coefficient of friction, making it highly suitable for applications where reduced friction is desired. It is utilized in bearings, gears, and sliding components to minimize wear and improve efficiency.

5. Heat Resistance

PTFE exhibits exceptional heat resistance with a melting point of around 327 degrees Celsius (621 degrees Fahrenheit). This property can withstand high temperatures without significantly changing its physical or chemical structure.

Advancements in PTFE Fiber

Over the years, researchers have significantly advanced in developing PTFE fibers with enhanced properties and performance characteristics.

1. Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE)

Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) is a unique form of PTFE stretched to create a porous structure with millions of tiny interconnected pores. This material retains PTFE’s inherent properties while offering improved breathability and water resistance.

ePTFE finds applications in various fields, such as medical textiles (for surgical implants), outdoor clothing (as waterproof membranes), air filtration systems, and even as membranes for fuel cell technology.

2. High-Strength Fibers

Advancements have also been made to enhance PTFE fibers’ strength and tensile properties by introducing reinforcements or blending them with other materials such as carbon fiber or glass fiber. These high-strength fibers find applications requiring increased mechanical strength, such as aerospace components or industrial belting systems.

Advancements in PTFE Polymer

In addition to fiber advancements, researchers continue to make strides in improving the overall performance characteristics of solid-state PTFEs through polymer modifications and processing techniques.

1. PTFE Composites

PTFE can be blended with various fillers and additives to create composite materials with tailored properties. For example, adding glass fibers or carbon nanotubes can significantly enhance PTFE composites’ mechanical strength and electrical conductivity.

These composites find applications in industries such as automotive (for components like seals, gaskets, and bearings), electronics (for connectors and insulating materials), and even medical devices.

2. Micro-Powdered PTFE

Micro-powdered PTFE is a finely ground PTFE with unique properties due to its small particle size. It is often used as a lubricant or as an additive to improve the performance of other materials such as coatings, greases, or plastics.

The microscopic particles of powdered PTFE act as solid lubricants, reducing friction and wear between surfaces. This property makes it suitable for applications where self-lubrication is desired or traditional liquid lubricants cannot be used.

From its accidental discovery to the advancements in fiber and polymer technology, the evolution of PTFE has been remarkable. This versatile material continues to find new applications across various industries due to its unique combination of properties such as non-stick nature, chemical resistance, electrical insulation capabilities, low friction, and heat resistance.

As researchers delve deeper into understanding the intricacies of this fascinating material, we can expect further breakthroughs that will push the boundaries of what is possible with PTFE. Whether it’s improving existing applications or developing entirely new ones, the future holds immense potential for this extraordinary material.


Q: Is PTFE safe for use in cookware?
A: PTFE-coated cookware is safe when used according to manufacturer instructions. However, at very high temperatures (above 260 degrees Celsius or 500 degrees Fahrenheit), the coating may begin to degrade and release potentially harmful fumes.

Q: Can PTFE be recycled?
A: While recycling options for some PTFEs are limited due to their inherent stability, certain manufacturers have developed processes to recycle waste scraps from production lines into usable products.

Q: What are the limitations of using ePTFE membranes?
A: ePTFE membranes offer excellent waterproof breathability; however, they can lose water resistance over time if exposed to harsh chemicals or extreme conditions. Additionally, their performance may vary depending on the specific application and environmental factors.

Q: Can PTFE be used in high-temperature applications?
A: Yes, PTFE is known for its exceptional heat resistance. It can withstand temperatures up to 327 degrees Celsius (621 degrees Fahrenheit) without significant degradation or loss of properties.

Q: Are there any health risks associated with PTFE exposure?
A: When used as intended, PTFE poses no significant health risks. However, when heated to temperatures above 260 degrees Celsius (500 degrees Fahrenheit), PTFE coatings may release fumes that can cause temporary flu-like symptoms in humans and potentially harm pet birds.

by Denise Sullivan Denise Sullivan No Comments

Cryogenic Sealants: Exploring the Expansion Ratio of Liquid Nitrogen at Liquid Nitrogen Temperature (Kelvin)

Cryogenics is a field that deals with extremely low temperatures, typically below -150 degrees Celsius or 123 Kelvin. One of the most commonly used cryogenic fluids is liquid nitrogen, which has a boiling point of -196 degrees Celsius or 77 Kelvin. When working with cryogenic systems, it is essential to understand the behavior of materials at such low temperatures. In this article, we will explore the expansion ratio of liquid nitrogen at its boiling temperature and discuss the importance of using appropriate sealants in cryogenic applications.

cryogenic sealant

Understanding Liquid Nitrogen and Its Properties

Liquid nitrogen is a colorless and odorless cryogenic fluid with numerous industrial and scientific applications. It is commonly used for freezing food, preserving biological samples, cooling electronics, and conducting experiments in various fields.

At atmospheric pressure, liquid nitrogen boils at -196 degrees Celsius (-321 degrees Fahrenheit). At this temperature, it undergoes a phase change from liquid to gas. This transition results in a significant increase in volume due to expansion. Understanding this expansion ratio is crucial when designing systems that handle or store liquid nitrogen.

The Expansion Ratio of Liquid Nitrogen

The expansion ratio refers to the change in volume when a substance transitions from its liquid state to its gaseous state. For gases such as oxygen or helium, which exist as gases even at room temperature and pressure, there might be minimal changes in volume upon further cooling.

However, there can be substantial changes in volume during phase transition for substances like liquid nitrogen that boil well below room temperature while maintaining their gaseous form under standard conditions (boiling point above room temperature).

When liquid nitrogen boils at -196 degrees Celsius (-321 degrees Fahrenheit), it expands by approximately 696 times its original volume! One liter (1000 milliliters) of liquid nitrogen will convert into around 696 liters of gaseous nitrogen at the same temperature and pressure. The expansion ratio is influenced by various factors such as pressure, temperature, and the specific properties of the substance.

Importance of Cryogenic Sealants

In cryogenic applications, it is vital to prevent leaks or seepage that could compromise the integrity or efficiency of a system. Cryogenic sealants are crucial in providing effective sealing solutions that withstand extreme temperatures and maintain a secure barrier for cryogenic fluids.

Sealants used in cryogenics must possess specific properties to ensure efficient performance. These properties include low-temperature flexibility, resistance to thermal cycling, minimal outgassing (release of trapped gases), compatibility with different materials commonly used in cryogenic systems (such as metals and elastomers), and resistance to cryogenic fluids like liquid nitrogen.

The expansion ratio discussed earlier highlights why choosing an appropriate sealant is essential. The significant volume increase during phase transition means that any sealant used must be able to accommodate this expansion without compromising its sealing capability or causing damage to the surrounding components.

Factors Affecting Sealant Performance in Cryogenic Applications

Several factors can influence the performance of sealants in cryogenic applications. These include:

  1. Temperature: As mentioned earlier, temperatures well below room temperature are typical in cryogenics. Sealants must retain their flexibility and sealing capability even at extremely low temperatures.
  2. Thermal Cycling: Cryogenic systems often undergo thermal cycling, where they experience repeated cycles of cooling and warming due to operational requirements or environmental conditions. Sealants should be able to withstand these temperature fluctuations without degradation.
  3. Cryogenic Fluid Compatibility: Different materials exhibit varying degrees of compatibility with specific cryogens, such as liquid nitrogen. It is crucial to select sealants compatible with the fluid being sealed (liquid nitrogen) and other materials in the system to prevent degradation or failure.
  4. Adhesion: Sealants must adhere well to the surfaces they are sealing, ensuring a tight and durable bond. This is particularly important in cryogenic applications where temperature fluctuations and pressure differentials can significantly stress the sealant.
  5. Outgassing: Outgassing refers to releasing trapped gases from a material, which can cause contamination or affect system performance in specific applications. Cryogenic sealants should exhibit minimal outgassing to maintain system cleanliness.

In conclusion, understanding the expansion ratio of liquid nitrogen at its boiling temperature is essential when designing and operating systems involving this cryogenic fluid. The significant volume increase during phase transition emphasizes the need for specialized cryogenic sealants to accommodate this expansion while maintaining a secure barrier against leaks or seepage. One can ensure efficient sealing performance in cryogenic applications by selecting appropriate sealants with low-temperature flexibility, thermal cycling resistance, compatibility with materials, adhesion properties, and minimal outgassing effects.

by Denise Sullivan Denise Sullivan No Comments

Exploring the Preferred Polymers for Injection Molding Processes: A Focus on Injection Blow Molding and Polymer Injection Molding

Injection molding is a widely used manufacturing process in which molten material is injected into a mold cavity to create various products. The choice of polymer plays a crucial role in determining the success and quality of the injection molding process. This article will explore the preferred polymers for injection molding processes, explicitly focusing on injection blow molding and polymer injection molding. We will delve into their characteristics, advantages, and applications to provide insights into choosing the suitable polymer for your injection molding needs.

polymer injection molding

Understanding Injection Blow Molding

What is Injection Blow Molding?

Injection blow molding is a specialized form that combines both injection and blow molding techniques. It involves injecting molten material into a mold cavity to create a preform shape, which is then transferred to another mold, where it undergoes blowing to obtain the desired final shape.

Preferred Polymers for Injection Blow Molding

Polyethylene (PE)

Due to its excellent properties, polyethylene (PE) is one of the most commonly used polymers in injection blow molding. It offers high-impact strength, good chemical resistance, low moisture absorption, and ease of processing. PE can be classified into different grades based on its density: low-density polyethylene (LDPE), linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE), medium-density polyethylene (MDPE), and high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Each grade has its specific advantages and applications.


  • Excellent impact strength
  • Good chemical resistance
  • Low moisture absorption
  • Easy processing


  • Bottles and containers
  • Automotive components
  • Toys and sporting goods

Polypropylene (PP)

Polypropylene (PP) is another popular choice for injection blow molding due to its versatility and favorable properties. It offers high stiffness, good chemical resistance, excellent dimensional stability, and low density. PP is known for its ability to withstand high temperatures without deformation, making it suitable for various applications.


  • High stiffness
  • Good chemical resistance
  • Excellent dimensional stability
  • Low density


  • Medical devices
  • Packaging containers
  • Electrical components

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is widely used in injection blow molding due to its exceptional clarity, strength, and barrier properties. It offers excellent impact resistance and can be easily processed into complex shapes. PET is commonly used for packaging applications where transparency and durability are essential.


  • Exceptional clarity
  • High strength
  • Barrier properties against moisture and gases


  • Bottles for beverages, cosmetics, and household products
  • Food containers

Understanding Polymer Injection Molding

What is Polymer Injection Molding?

Polymer injection molding is a versatile manufacturing process that involves injecting molten polymer material into a mold cavity under high pressure to create various products with intricate shapes and details. The molten polymer solidifies inside the mold cavity to form the desired product.

Preferred Polymers for Injection Molding

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)

Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) is a popular choice for polymer injection molding due to its balanced properties. ABS offers excellent impact resistance, dimensional stability, high surface hardness, and heat resistance. It can be quickly processed using injection molding techniques while providing reliable performance.


  • Good impact resistance
  • Excellent dimensional stability
  • High surface hardness


  • Automotive parts
  • Consumer electronics
  • Toys and household items

Polycarbonate (PC)

Polycarbonate (PC) is a popular choice for polymer injection molding due to its exceptional transparency, high impact resistance, and excellent heat resistance. PC offers good dimensional stability and can withstand harsh environments without deformation or discoloration. It is commonly used in applications that require optical clarity and durability.


  • Exceptional transparency
  • High impact resistance
  • Excellent heat resistance


  • Optical lenses

Polyamide (PA)

Polyamide (PA), nylon, is a versatile polymer for injection molding. It offers high tensile strength, good chemical resistance, low friction coefficient, and excellent wear resistance. PA can be quickly processed into complex shapes while maintaining its mechanical properties.


  • High tensile strength
  • Good chemical resistance
  • Low friction coefficient


  • Bearings and gears
  • Automotive components

Choosing the suitable polymer for your injection molding needs is critical for achieving high-quality products with desired properties. Whether you opt for injection blow molding or polymer injection molding techniques, understanding the characteristics and advantages of different preferred polymers is critical. From polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) in blow moldings to acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), polycarbonate (PC), and polyamide (PA) in polymer injections moldings – each offers unique benefits that suit various applications across industries ranging from automotive components to packaging solutions. By considering factors such as mechanical properties required by your application, chemical compatibility, ease of processing, and regulatory compliance, you can make an informed choice and ensure the success of your injection molding project.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What factors should I consider when choosing a polymer for injection molding?

A1: When selecting a polymer for injection molding, you should consider factors such as mechanical properties required for the application, chemical compatibility with the intended environment, ease of processing, cost-effectiveness, and regulatory compliance considerations.

Q2: Can different polymers be blended together for injection molding?

A2: Yes, blending different polymers to achieve desired properties is possible. Polymer blending allows manufacturers to tailor the material’s characteristics to meet specific requirements, such as improved impact or enhanced heat resistance.

Q3: Are there any environmentally friendly polymers suitable for injection molding?

A3: Yes, there are environmentally friendly polymers available for injection molding. For example, biodegradable polymers like polylactic acid (PLA) and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) offer sustainable alternatives with reduced environmental impact compared to traditional petroleum-based plastics.

Q4: How can I ensure the quality of injection molded products?

A4: To ensure the quality of injection molded products, it is essential to optimize process parameters, conduct regular inspections and testing throughout the production process, and adhere to strict quality control standards. Working with experienced mold designers and manufacturers can also help achieve consistent product quality.

Q5: Can recycled polymers be used in injection molding processes?

A5: Yes, recycled polymers can be used in injection molding processes. However, it is crucial to properly sort and prepare recycled materials before processing them. The properties of recycled polymers may vary depending on the source material and recycling process.

by Denise Sullivan Denise Sullivan No Comments

What’s the Difference Between Molded and Skived PTFE Sheets?

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is a versatile material that has gained popularity in various industries due to its unique properties. PTFE sheets are widely used in gaskets, seals, and electrical insulation applications. The manufacturing process of PTFE sheets can be either molded or skived, each with its advantages and disadvantages.

skived ptfe sheets

Molded PTFE Sheets

Molded PTFE sheets are produced by compressing fine powder of PTFE resin at high pressures and temperatures. This process creates a solid sheet with uniform thickness and density. The molded sheets have a smooth surface finish and excellent mechanical properties. They exhibit low friction characteristics, high chemical resistance, and excellent electrical insulation properties.

One of the significant advantages of molded PTFE sheets is their superior strength. Due to the compression process, the molecules in the resin align themselves in a uniform pattern, resulting in increased tensile strength and improved dimensional stability. This makes them suitable for applications where high mechanical stress is expected.

Another advantage of molded PTFE sheets is their high purity level. During molding, any impurities present in the raw material are eliminated through filtration techniques. This ensures that the final product is free from contaminants affecting its performance.

However, there are certain limitations associated with molded PTFE sheets as well. One limitation is their limited size availability compared to skived sheets. Due to manufacturing constraints, it can be challenging to produce large-sized molded sheets without compromising quality.

Skived PTFE Sheets

Skived PTFE sheets are produced by slicing or cutting thin layers from larger blocks of compressed resin using specialized skiving machines. This results in thinner but wider sheets compared to molded ones.

One significant advantage of skived PTFE sheets is their flexibility and conformability properties.

Skiving allows precise control over sheet thickness variations across different sections or areas. This flexibility in thickness enables engineers and designers to tailor the sheet according to specific requirements, making it ideal for intricate applications where a customized fit is necessary.

Moreover, skived PTFE sheets have excellent surface smoothness and uniformity, which can be attributed to the slicing process. The smooth surface minimizes friction, making them useful in applications requiring a low coefficient of friction, such as bearings or sliding surfaces.

However, skived sheets do have some limitations as well. One limitation is their reduced tensile strength compared to molded sheets. The cutting process disrupts the molecular alignment of the resin, resulting in weaker mechanical properties overall. Thus, they may not be suitable for applications with high mechanical stress or load-bearing requirements.

Another limitation of skived PTFE sheets is their potential for surface imperfections due to the slicing process. Although efforts are made to ensure a smooth finish during manufacturing, certain defects like micro-tears or uneven edges may occur. These imperfections can affect the performance and integrity of the sheet in specific applications.

Choosing between Molded and Skived PTFE Sheets

Several factors need consideration depending on the application requirements when selecting between molded and skived PTFE sheets. Molded sheets are preferred due to their superior strength properties for applications demanding high tensile strength and dimensional stability under mechanical stress or load-bearing situations.

On the other hand, applications that require precise thickness control or customized fitting benefit from skived sheets due to their flexibility and conformability properties.

The choice may also depend on size availability, as larger molded sheets may not always be feasible for specific applications.

In conclusion, molded and skived PTFE sheets offer unique advantages depending on specific application needs. Molded sheets provide superior strength while maintaining excellent chemical resistance, electrical insulation capabilities, and a smooth finish.

Skived sheets offer flexibility, precise thickness control, and conformability for intricate applications. It is crucial to carefully evaluate the requirements of the intended application to decide which type of PTFE sheet is most suitable.

by Denise Sullivan Denise Sullivan No Comments

Unveiling the Versatile Power of PTFE Expansion Bellows in Technology

In the vast realm of technology, numerous components are crucial in ensuring seamless functionality and efficiency. The PTFE expansion bellows is one such component that often goes unnoticed but is integral to various applications. These versatile devices serve many purposes, primarily to separate fluids from nearby branches. From pulse dampers to HVAC systems, pharmaceutical processing to pollution control, piping systems, and much more – PTFE expansion bellows have become an indispensable part of modern technological advancements.

Understanding PTFE Expansion Bellows

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), commonly known as Teflon, has become the go-to material for expansion bellows applications. This remarkable material possesses unique properties that make it highly suitable for various technological needs.

The Functionality of PTFE Expansion Bellows

At its core, an expansion bellow is a flexible connector between two pipes or vessels, accommodating movement caused by thermal expansion or contraction. The primary function of a typical PTFE expansion bellow is effectively isolating fluid flow from adjacent components. These bellows ensure smooth operations and prevent potential damage by providing flexibility and absorbing movements caused by temperature variations or vibrations in machinery.

Versatility across Industries

The adaptability and versatility offered by PTFE expansion bellows have made them indispensable across various industries. Let’s delve into some key sectors where their usage has revolutionized technological processes:

  1. Pulse Dampeners: In industries where pulsating flows occur regularly, such as chemical processing plants or oil refineries, pulse dampeners are crucial in reducing pressure fluctuations within pipelines. The high chemical resistance PTFE offers makes it an ideal choice for constructing these dampeners.
  2. HVAC Systems: Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems rely on PTFE expansion bellow’s to accommodate thermal expansions and contractions without causing structural damage. These bellows ensure the seamless flow of air and prevent leaks or blockages.
  3. Pharmaceutical Processing: The pharmaceutical industry demands strict adherence to hygienic standards, making PTFE bellows an ideal choice for processing applications. These bellows maintain the desired level of cleanliness while accommodating movements caused by temperature changes during various stages of pharmaceutical production.
  4. Pollution Control: Environmental regulations necessitate efficient pollution control systems in industries emitting harmful gases or substances. PTFE expansion bellows play a vital role in these systems by isolating gases, preventing leaks, and absorbing vibrations that can compromise efficiency.
  5. Piping Systems: In intricate piping networks with multiple connections, using PTFE expansion bellows becomes crucial to absorb movements resulting from thermal fluctuations or vibrations caused by machinery operations. This ensures longevity and reliability while minimizing maintenance requirements.

Advantages of Using PTFE Expansion Bellows

The utilization of PTFE bellows offers numerous advantages over traditional alternatives:

  1. 1. Chemical Resistance: The chemical inertness possessed by PTFE makes it highly resistant to various corrosive substances found in industrial environments, ensuring longevity and durability even when exposed to harsh conditions.
  2. Temperature Resistance: With an exceptional operating temperature range (-200°C to +260°C), PTFE can withstand extreme heat or cold without compromising its structural integrity or functionality.
  3. Flexibility and Absorption Capabilities: The unique composition and design allow these bellows to accommodate axial (lengthwise) and lateral (sideways) movements caused by thermal expansions/contractions or external vibrations, thereby preventing stress build-up within the system.
  4. Low Friction Coefficient: Due to its low friction coefficient, Teflon minimizes pipeline resistance, reducing energy consumption while promoting efficient fluid flow.
  5. Hygienic Properties: PTFE is inherently non-toxic, non-reactive, and resistant to microbial growth, making it an ideal choice for applications in the pharmaceutical and food processing industries where hygiene is paramount.

In conclusion, the versatility and functionality offered by the PTFE expansion bellows have revolutionized various sectors within the technology realm. From pulse dampeners to HVAC systems, pharmaceutical processing to pollution control systems, and complex piping networks – these bellows have become indispensable component ensuring seamless operations while preventing potential damage or leaks. With their exceptional chemical resistance, temperature tolerance, flexibility, low friction coefficient, and hygienic properties – PTFE expansion bellows continue to pave the way for technological advancements across multiple industries. As technology progresses further into uncharted territories, it is sure that these remarkable devices will continue to play a vital role in shaping our future.

by Denise Sullivan Denise Sullivan No Comments

Understanding the Different Types of Composite Bushings in Technology

In the world of technology, composite bushings play a crucial role in various applications. These bushings reduce friction and lubricate mechanical systems, ensuring smooth and efficient operation. However, “composite bushing” can be ambiguous as different manufacturers may use different product materials and designs. This article will explore the composite bushings commonly found in technology applications.

 composite bushings

Composite Bushing Design 1: Steel Backed with Sintered Bronze Layer and Polymer Lining

One popular design for composite bushings involves combining a steel backing with a sintered bronze layer covered by a polymer lining such as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). This design offers excellent load-bearing capabilities due to the steel backing while benefiting from the self-lubricating properties of PTFE.

The steel backing provides strength and structural support to withstand high loads and shock forces experienced during operation. It also acts as a solid foundation for the sintered bronze layer, which increases wear resistance and enhances load distribution across the surface area.

The sintered bronze layer compresses powdered bronze particles under high pressure and temperature. This process creates tiny interconnected pores that retain lubricants such as oil or grease, allowing continuous lubrication even under extreme conditions.

A polymer lining like PTFE is applied over the sintered bronze layer to optimize performance further. PTFE offers exceptional low-friction properties resulting in reduced wear on both mating surfaces. It also provides excellent chemical resistance against corrosive fluids or gases commonly encountered in technology applications.

Composite Bushing Design 2: Polymer Resin with Glass Fibers Filament Wound and PTFE Lining

 Another common type of composite bushing utilizes a combination of polymer resin reinforced with glass fibers that are filament wound followed by applying a PTFE lining. This design offers excellent mechanical strength, high wear resistance, and low friction characteristics.

The polymer resin acts as the primary load-bearing material in this design. It is chosen for its ability to withstand high loads while providing flexibility to absorb vibrations and shocks during operation. The resin is typically reinforced with glass fibers to enhance its mechanical properties further.

Glass fibers are known for their exceptional tensile strength and stiffness, making them ideal reinforcements for composite materials. These fibers are arranged in a specific pattern using filament winding techniques, creating a robust and durable structure that can withstand heavy loads without deformation.

A PTFE lining is applied over the filament wound composite structure to reduce friction and provide lubrication. PTFE’s self-lubricating properties ensure smooth operation by minimizing wear between moving parts. Additionally, it offers excellent thermal stability and chemical resistance, making it suitable for various technology applications subjected to harsh environments.

Applications of Composite Bushings

Composite bushings find wide-ranging applications in technology due to their unique properties. Some common examples include:

  1. Automotive Industry: Composite bushings are used in suspension systems, steering columns, engine components like connecting rods or camshafts, and gearbox assemblies.
  2. Aerospace Industry: Composite bushings are utilized in landing gear systems, control surfaces like flaps or rudders, engine mounts, actuator mechanisms, etc., where lightweight yet robust components are required.
  3. Industrial Machinery: Composite bushings find application in heavy machinery such as conveyor systems or hydraulic cylinders where high load capacity and reduced maintenance requirements are desired.
  4. Medical Equipment: Medical devices like surgical instruments or prosthetic limbs require smooth movement with minimal wear on joints or pivot points.

Benefits of Using Composite Bushings

The utilization of composite bushings offers several advantages over traditional bearing materials:

  1. Self-Lubricating Properties: Composite bushings eliminate the need for additional lubrication systems, reducing maintenance requirements and associated costs.
  2. Low Friction: The low-friction characteristics of composite bushings reduce wear on mating surfaces, resulting in extended service life and improved efficiency.
  3. Resistance to Corrosion: Composite bushings can withstand exposure to harsh chemicals or corrosive environments without degradation, making them suitable for various applications.
  4. High Load Capacity: Combining different materials in composite bushing designs provides excellent load-bearing capabilities, ensuring reliable operation even under heavy loads.

Composite bushings are essential in technology applications by providing friction reduction and lubrication properties. Manufacturers offer various designs based on the materials used, such as steel-backed with a sintered bronze layer and polymer lining or polymer resin reinforced with glass fibers filament wound and PTFE lining. Understanding the different types of composite bushings allows engineers to select the most suitable option for their specific application requirements. Whether it’s automotive suspension systems, aerospace components, industrial machinery, or medical equipment, the benefits offered by composite bushings make them an integral part of modern technological advancements.

by Denise Sullivan Denise Sullivan No Comments

Selecting the Right Seals for Cold Temperature and Cryogenic Valves

Cold temperatures can cause materials to become brittle and lose elasticity, leading to seal failure. Additionally, thermal expansion and contraction can cause seals to break down over time. For these reasons, selecting the proper seals for cold temperature and cryogenic valves is crucial.

cryogenic valves

When selecting seals for cold temperature applications, it’s essential to consider the following factors:

  • Temperature range: The seal must withstand the extreme temperatures of cryogenic fluids.
  • Pressure range: The seal must withstand the pressure of the processed fluid.
  • Chemical compatibility: The seal material must be compatible with the processed fluid.
  • Wear resistance: The seal must withstand repeated valve cycling without breaking down.

 Factors to Consider When Selecting Cold Temperature Seals

When selecting the proper seal for your cold temperature application, there are several factors you need to consider:

Temperature Range

The first factor to consider is the temperature range your application will require. Cryogenic seals operate in temperatures ranging from -460°F (-273°C); you’ll want to choose a material specifically designed for these conditions. 

Pressure Range

You’ll also need to consider the pressure range your application will be operating under, as this will affect which type of seal you’ll need to use.

Chemical Compatibility

Another essential factor to consider is chemical compatibility with the fluid or gas your cryogenic valves system processes. Not all materials perform well with every substance they encounter over time.

Wear Resistance

Finally, wear resistance is an important consideration when selecting seal materials since repeated valve cycling and exposure to pressure can cause wear over time, eventually leading to breakdowns if not properly addressed beforehand.

Types of Cryogenic Valves Seals for Cold Temperature Applications

PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene), FEP (Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene), and UHMW (Ultra High Molecular Weight PE) are popular choices due to its exceptional chemical resistance and low coefficient of friction. It also has excellent thermal stability and can withstand temperatures as low as -460°F (-273°C). 

Another critical aspect of designing polymer seals for cryogenic applications is the seal geometry. The seal design must provide sufficient compression force to ensure proper sealing while compensating for any dimensional changes caused by temperature fluctuations or external forces. A common approach in these applications involves creating a labyrinth seal design where multiple grooves in the seal face interlock with corresponding ridges on the mating surface, creating various barriers between gasses while allowing relative movement between two mating surfaces.

Cryogenic valves’ sealing surfaces should be smooth and free of surface defects, as imperfections can compromise sealing integrity. Surface roughness is measured in Ra (arithmetic average deviation) or Rz (average peak to valley height). A typical Ra/Rz value for cryogenic seals should be less than 20/100 micro inch respectively.

Cryogenic applications often involve extreme pressure differentials, making it essential to select a polymer seal material that can handle high-pressure environments without extruding or deforming under load. In some cases, this requires designing the seal with an additional support element, such as a metal spring or an energizing lip that helps maintain proper compression force over time.

Proper installation procedures must be followed to ensure optimal performance and longevity of cryogenic seals, which includes ensuring that all mating surfaces are clean and free from debris or other contaminants that could compromise sealing integrity. The assembly process must also account for thermal expansion, which can cause dimensional changes in both components leading to reduced compression forces if not accounted for during installation.

Selecting the correct seals for cold temperature and cryogenic valves requires careful consideration based on multiple factors, including temperature range, pressure range, chemical compatibility, and wear resistance, among others discussed above. Choosing the proper seal can ensure that your valve system will function optimally and prevent leakages, which could be catastrophic in many processing applications. Be sure to work with a trusted supplier who can help you choose the proper seal for your needs and provide expert advice on installation and maintenance.

by Denise Sullivan Denise Sullivan No Comments

Advanced Properties and Applications of PTFE in Sealing Technology

PTFE has a unique combination of properties that make it ideal for use in sealing technology. One of its most notable characteristics is its ability to withstand extremely high and low temperatures. PTFE can operate in temperatures ranging from as low as -200°C to as high as 260°C, making it an excellent choice for applications where sealing performance needs to be maintained at extreme temperatures.


Another significant advantage of PTFE is its chemical resistance. It is highly resistant to various chemicals, including acids, alkalis, and organic solvents. This makes it an excellent choice for use in chemical processing plants or other facilities where exposure to harsh chemicals is common.

PTFE also has excellent non-stick properties, which make it ideal for use in applications where adhesion could compromise the effectiveness of the seal. Its low coefficient of friction means that even under heavy loads or with repeated cycles of movement, PTFE will not experience significant wear or degradation.

In addition to these properties, it has outstanding electrical insulation characteristics and acts as a barrier against moisture and dust.

Manufacturing PFE Gaskets

Pure PTFE gaskets are produced by molding directly from suspended material or cutting (turning) from PTFE sheets (rods). Molding plates have uneven density and poor flexibility while turning plates have a relatively uniform density. Still, their material is curved due to the influence of the processing technology, which is not conducive to installation and use.

Modified PTFE gaskets add a certain proportion of functional materials, such as glass fiber or graphite powder, during production. The resulting gasket provides improved strength and durability compared with pure PTFE gaskets while maintaining this advanced material’s desirable properties.

Despite its many advantages, however, some limitations are associated with using PTFE in sealing applications. For example:

  • It can be difficult to achieve consistent compression when using pure PTFE gaskets due to their poor flexibility
  • PTFE can be prone to creep under sustained pressure, which can result in a loss of sealing performance over time
  • PTFE is unsuitable for high-pressure applications as it has low tensile strength and may deform or fail under high loads.

Applications for PTFE 

Despite these limitations, PTFE remains one of the most advanced materials available in sealing technology. Its unique combination of properties makes it ideal for use in various applications where reliable sealing is essential.

One potential application area where PTFE could increase use is the automotive industry. As electric vehicles become more prevalent, there will be an increased demand for seals that withstand harsh operating conditions. Its excellent temperature resistance, chemical resistance, and non-stick properties make it an ideal choice for use in battery enclosures and other critical components.

Another potential application area is within the food processing industry. Many food products are highly acidic or alkaline, which can cause traditional seals to degrade over time. PTFE’s chemical resistance makes it an excellent choice for acidic or alkaline foods. At the same time, its non-stick properties mean that any residue left on the seal after cleaning can easily be removed.

In conclusion, Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) has many advanced properties that make it ideal for use in sealing technology. Its ability to withstand extreme temperatures while maintaining effective sealing performance sets it apart from other materials commonly used in this field. While some limitations are associated with using the material in certain applications, such as those involving high-pressure loads, its unique combination of properties means it remains one of the most important materials currently available. Over time, we may see even greater advances made with this remarkable material with continued research and development into new formulations and manufacturing techniques.

by Denise Sullivan Denise Sullivan No Comments

Exploring the Benefits of Fluorolon PTFE in Industrial and Engineering Applications

Fluorolon PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) is a unique synthetic polymer with many benefits for industrial and engineering applications. This versatile material can be used for a wide range of purposes, from chemical processing to cookware. In this article, we will explore some of the key benefits and uses of Fluorolon PTFE.

FEP encapsulated helical spring seals are approved for cryogenic and FDA use. Fluorolon PTFE

Chemical Resistance

One major benefit of using Fluorolon PTFE is its excellent chemical resistance properties. This material is highly resistant to acids, bases, solvents, and other corrosive substances. This makes it an ideal choice for use in applications such as chemical processing plants or food processing industries where harsh chemicals are often used. It can also be used as a protective coating on metal surfaces to protect them from corrosion or damage from exposure to corrosive materials.

High-Temperature Resistance

Another benefit associated with Fluorolon PTFE is its high-temperature resistance properties. This material can withstand temperatures up to 260°C (500°F) without losing its strength or shape – making it an excellent choice for use in insulation, gaskets, seals, and other high-temperature applications such as aerospace parts or engine components that require superior heat resistance capabilities. The thermal stability offered by this polymer also ensures that parts maintain their original dimensions even under extreme conditions making them ideal for precise manufacturing processes where dimensional accuracy is critical.

Low Friction Properties

Fluorolon PTFE also offers exceptionally low friction properties, making it suitable for use in various mechanical components such as bearings and slides where minimal friction between moving surfaces is desired. Its low coefficient of friction helps reduce wear on machinery parts resulting in increased operational life spans while simultaneously providing smoother operation with less vibration compared with traditional materials like steel or bronze alloys. Furthermore, since no lubricants are required, energy consumption costs due to frequent maintenance procedures associated with lubrication are significantly reduced compared to traditional metals.

Non-Stick Properties

In addition, Fluorolon PTFE has impressive non-stick properties, making it ideal for use in cookware, baking sheets, conveyor belts, and other industrial equipment. Its non-stick characteristics enable food products like cakes, cookies, etc., to slide easily off surfaces resulting in efficient production processes while maintaining product quality standards at the same time. Furthermore, these non-stick characteristics help reduce clean-up times after the production process, thereby saving both time & money.

Electrical Insulation Properties

Last but not least, one important benefit this polymer provides includes its electrical insulation capabilities making it perfect for use within high-voltage industrial equipment & electronic components alike. Its ability to prevent electricity from leaking out allows companies within the electronics industry to create safer products without having to worry about hazardous shocks occurring during usage, thus ensuring customer safety at all times, leading to higher customer satisfaction & loyalty levels over time.

At Advanced EMC Technologies we use Flourolon Virging PTFE primarily for seals, seats, bearings, and insulaotrs. All our Flourolon PTFE is FDA and dairy approved. We offfer both Virgin PTFE ASTM-D4894 and filled PTFE ASTM D4745-06.

Specified Gravity (FEP) Only2.14 –2.19gr/ccASTM D792
Maximum Recommended  Stretch2 %N/AASTM D638
ES Seals Are For Type ServiceStatic N/A
Coefficient of Friction (FEP)0.19StaticASTM D3702
Dielectric Constant (FEP)N/AN/AASTM D150
Dielectric Strength (FEP)N/AN/AASTM D257
Thermal Expansion No Spring8.3 x 10^5thin/in/°FASTM D696
Compressive StrengthN/AN/AASTM D695-57
FEP Seal Temperature Range-420 to 428°F
PFA Seal Temperature Range-420 to 500°F

To summarize, the many benefits associated with using Fluorolan PTE should not be overlooked, especially when considering various industrial & engineering-related applications that call out these specific attributes offered by this synthetic polymer beyond any other commonly available alternatives currently present in the market today. Its ability to resist chemicals and withstand higher temperatures than most polymers without losing shape/strength, alongside offering superior low friction/non-stick qualities coupled with excellent electrical insulation capabilities, clearly demonstrates why so many industries opt to choose Fluorolon PTFE over any other material available.

by Denise Sullivan Denise Sullivan No Comments

The Effect Surface Finish Has on PTFE Seals

Surface finish plays an essential role in the effectiveness of PTFE seals. The different finishes provide different degrees of contact between the two components, which affects the seal’s strength and reliability. In this paper, we will discuss the effect of surface finish on PTFE seal performance and suggest ways to improve seal quality.

Surface finish on PTFE

The Influences of Surface Finish on Friction

The surface finish is critical for polymer-based seals. Despite being considered a soft plastic, PTFE is significantly harder than traditional o-ring materials. Because of this, if the mating surface is designed for other materials, it can cause the PTFE seals to leak.

As you can see in the graph below, the improvement in the surface finish has a favorable effect on the frictional force required.

The following specifications were used in the force test that resulted in the above data.

  • Stroke Speed: 4 in/min (102 mm/min)
  • Shaft Diameter: 0.1875in. (4.762mm)
  • Ambient Temperature: 73°F (23°C)
  • Mating Surface Material: 17 -4 PH S.S.
  • Mating Surface Hardness: -40 Rc

Surface Finish Influences on Wear

The finish of the mating surface is one of the main factors in the PTFE seal wear. Wear on the seal is generally proportional to frictional force. In other words, less friction reduces the wear on the seal. 

The following graph shows how a smoother surface finish reduces the PTFE seal wear rate.

To calculate the wear rate in microinches RMS, we used the formula IN3 -MIN/LB-FT-HR -10-9. For microinches Ra, we used the formula CM3 -MIN/KG-M-HR -10-9.

We used the following test parameters during our testing to ensure accuracy for each test.

  • Surface Speed: 55 fpm (17 m/min)
  • Loading Stress: 55 lb./in2 (4 bar)
  • Wear Rate in Air: @ PV 3025 lb./in2 x ft/min (7.5 N/mm x m/min)
  • Mating Surface Hardness: Rc 42
  • Matin Surface Maerial 17 -4 PH Stainless steal
  • Mating Surface Finish: 1.6 to 111.1 microinches RMS (1.4 to 100 microinches RA)
  • Ambient Temperature: 70°F (21°C)
  • Ambient Relative Humidity 75% RH
  • Duration 5 Hours
  • Seal material FP

Influences on Sealing Ability

Finally, we looked at how the surface finish affected PTFE’s sealing ability. In general, the sealing ability of PTFE is proportional to the fluid’s viscosity. If a media, like gas, has a reduced viscosity, it is more difficult to seal. In these situations, having a smoother finish on the mating surface can help ensure fewer leaks.

We’ve found that different mediums require not only different finish ranges between them but also different finish ranges when considering if the surface is dynamic or static. You can see our suggested finish in the table below.

MediaDynamic Surface Static Surface 
Gases and Liquids at Cryogenic Temperatures2 to 4 microinches RMS
(1.8 to 3.6 Microinches Ra)
4 to 8 Microinches RMS
(3.6 to 7.2 Microinches Ra)
Gas at Non-Cryogenic Temperatures6 to 12 Microinches RMS
(5.4 to 10.8 Microinches Ra)
12 to 32 Microinches RMS
(10.8 to 28.8 Microinches Ra)
Liquids8 to 16 Microinches RMS
(7.2 to 14.4 Microinches Ra)
16 to 32 Microinches RMS
(14.4 to 28.8 Microinches Ra)

As you can see, the mating surface finishes can profoundly affect PTFE seals. Because of this, if the mating surface is designed for other materials, it can cause the PTFE seals to leak. Finally, we examined how this affected PTFE’s sealing ability. In general, the sealing ability of PTFE is proportional to the fluid’s viscosity.