by Brandon Pascual Brandon Pascual 1 Comment

🔬 The Fascinating Journey of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) 🧪

Have you ever wondered about the magic behind non-stick cookware or the resilience of industrial components? The answer often lies in Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), famously known as Teflon®. The story of PTFE is as fascinating as its properties and application.

The Discovery and Innovation

In the 1950s, DuPont chemist Roy J. Plunkett discovered PTFE, a synthetic fluoropolymer of tetrafluoroethylene, quite by accident. While attempting to create a new refrigerant, he noticed that the gas had polymerized into a white, waxy substance. This serendipitous discovery led to the development of one of the most versatile materials known to science.

However, the story doesn’t end there. Bill Gore, a visionary chemist at DuPont, recognized the potential of PTFE for broader applications. When his ideas for expanding the use of PTFE were turned down by his employers, Gore took a bold step. In 1958, he and his wife Genevive founded W.L. Gore and Associates in the basement of their Delaware home. During this time, Gore’s company began to serve the burgeoning computer industry by using PTFE to insulate multiple copper conductors and fashion them into ribbon cables. This innovation resulted in a product known as MULTI-TET, which significantly improved the reliability and efficiency of computer systems.

Unique Properties of PTFE

PTFE’s unique properties make it stand out among other materials:

  • Hydrophobic & Non-Stick: PTFE repels water and other substances, which makes it ideal for non-stick cookware and various industrial applications where reducing friction is critical.
  • Chemical Resistance: PTFE is almost completely chemically inert. It can withstand exposure to most chemicals, including acids and bases, without degrading. This property makes it invaluable in chemical processing and storage.
  • Thermal Stability: With a melting point around 620°F (327°C), PTFE can perform in extreme temperatures ranging from -328°F (-200°C) to +500°F (+260°C) without losing its properties. This thermal stability is crucial for applications in aerospace and automotive industries.
  • Low Friction & High Inertness: PTFE has one of the lowest coefficients of friction of any solid, making it perfect for applications where smooth movement is essential, such as bearings and seals.

Applications Across Industries

At Advanced EMC Technologies, we leverage PTFE’s exceptional properties to develop solutions for a wide range of critical applications:

  • Spring Energized PTFE Seals: These seals are designed for high-pressure environments and offer superior durability. They are used in industries such as oil and gas, where equipment must withstand extreme conditions.
  • PTFE Rotary Shaft Seals: These seals prevent leaks and contamination in rotating machinery, ensuring smooth operation and reducing maintenance costs. They are widely used in automotive and manufacturing industries.
  • Gaskets, Diaphragms, Bellows, and Slide Bearings: PTFE components provide reliable performance in various industrial applications, from fluid handling systems to mechanical joints.
  • Pump Parts, Impellers, and Containers: PTFE’s chemical resistance and thermal stability make it ideal for parts that must endure harsh environments and aggressive chemicals.

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Customized PTFE Solutions

We don’t just stop at using PTFE in its pure form. At Advanced EMC, we blend unfilled PTFE with various fillers to tailor its properties to specific needs. For example:

  • Glass-Filled PTFE: Adding glass fibers enhances PTFE’s mechanical strength and wear resistance, making it suitable for high-stress applications.
  • Carbon-Filled PTFE: This composite offers improved thermal conductivity and reduced deformation under load, ideal for high-temperature applications.
  • Bronze-Filled PTFE: Bronze fillers provide excellent wear resistance and thermal conductivity, making this composite perfect for high-speed applications.

These customized solutions allow us to meet the exacting standards required by industries such as aerospace, automotive, and chemical processing.

The Impact on Modern Engineering

PTFE’s exceptional qualities make it indispensable for industries requiring extreme performance and reliability. For instance, in the aerospace industry, PTFE is used in wiring insulation, fuel line coatings, and seals. Its ability to withstand extreme temperatures and corrosive environments ensures the safety and efficiency of aircraft components.

In the medical field, PTFE’s biocompatibility and chemical resistance make it suitable for use in surgical implants and catheters. Its non-stick properties are also exploited in medical devices to prevent biofilm formation and ensure smooth operation.

The Future of PTFE

As technology advances, the demand for materials with superior performance characteristics continues to grow. PTFE remains at the forefront of material innovation due to its versatility and resilience. Research is ongoing to further enhance its properties and discover new applications. For example, advancements in nanotechnology are paving the way for PTFE composites with enhanced electrical conductivity and even lower friction coefficients.

Why PTFE Matters

Polytetrafluoroethylene’s unparalleled properties make it the material of choice for industries requiring extreme performance and reliability. Its high melting point, low friction, and inert nature ensure that PTFE remains a cornerstone of innovation and efficiency in modern engineering.

Discover how PTFE and Advanced EMC Technologies can revolutionize your applications. Visit Advanced EMC Technologies for more information.

by Denise Sullivan Denise Sullivan No Comments

Unveiling Fluoropolymers: A Journey Through History, Chemistry, and Applications


Fluoropolymers, a class of synthetic materials renowned for their unique properties and diverse applications, have left an indelible mark on modern technology and industry. Join us on an illuminating journey as we delve into the rich history, fundamental chemistry, processing techniques, structure, properties, and wide-ranging applications of these remarkable materials.

A Brief History

The story of fluoropolymers traces back to the early 20th century when chemists began experimenting with fluorine-containing compounds. In 1938, Dr. Roy Plunkett accidentally discovered polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), the first fluoropolymer, while working on refrigerants for DuPont. This serendipitous discovery laid the foundation for developing a family of fluorinated polymers with extraordinary properties.

Fundamental Chemistry of Fluoropolymers

At the heart of fluoropolymers lies fluorine, one of the most electronegative elements in the periodic table. Fluorine’s strong electron affinity and bond strength impart unique characteristics to fluoropolymers, including high chemical inertness, low surface energy, and exceptional thermal stability. These properties stem from the strength and stability of carbon-fluorine bonds, among the strongest known in organic chemistry.

Processing Techniques

Fluoropolymers are processed using various techniques, including extrusion, compression, injection, and sintering. However, due to their high melting points and low melt viscosities, processing fluoropolymers presents unique challenges. Specialized equipment and processing conditions are required to ensure uniformity, dimensional stability, and optimal performance in finished products.

Structure and Properties

These polymers exhibit a range of structures and properties depending on their molecular composition and processing methods. PTFE, for example, features a highly crystalline structure with long polymer chains arranged in a random coil configuration. This structure contributes to its exceptional chemical resistance, low friction coefficient, and non-stick properties. Other fluoropolymers, such as polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE), possess distinct molecular architectures that endow them with specific properties suited to various applications.


Fluoropolymers are widely used across numerous industries thanks to their exceptional properties and versatility. In the automotive sector, PTFE coatings provide lubricity and wear resistance in engine components, while fluorinated elastomer sealants ensure long-term durability in automotive gaskets and seals. In the chemical processing industry, fluoropolymer linings protect equipment from corrosive chemicals, ensuring safety and reliability. Fluorinated polymers are insulating materials in high-performance cables and wire coatings in electronics. From aerospace to healthcare, construction to consumer goods, the applications of fluoropolymers continue to expand, driven by their unique combination of properties and performance advantages.

Fluoropolymers represent a triumph of scientific innovation and engineering ingenuity, offering a glimpse into the vast potential of synthetic materials. From their serendipitous discovery to their ubiquitous presence in modern industry, fluoropolymers have reshaped the technological landscape and empowered countless innovations. As research and development efforts continue, the future holds even more tremendous promise for these remarkable materials, paving the way for advances in sustainability, efficiency, and performance across diverse applications.

In conclusion, the story of fluoropolymers is a testament to human curiosity, perseverance, and the transformative power of science. Join us as we explore the fascinating world of fluoropolymers and uncover the secrets of these extraordinary materials that continue to shape our world.

by Sara McCaslin, PhD Sara McCaslin, PhD No Comments

Auto Molding PTFE Seals and Seats: Advantages for High-Volume Production Runs

Auto molding PTFE seals and seats offer a wide variety of benefits, especially for high-volume production runs. In this blog post, we cover some background on both PTFE and auto molding (also known as compression molding) and discuss why this particular manufacturing process is often preferred by engineers for both seals and ball valve seats.

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by Sara McCaslin, PhD Sara McCaslin, PhD No Comments

Low Temperature O-Ring Solutions

Finding the right low-temperature o-ring solution can be critical to both the success and safety of a design — and FEP encapsulated o-rings are an excellent solution.

Low Temperature and Cryogenic Applications

Cryogenic refers to temperatures below freezing and extending to absolute zero (-460°F / -273°C), while low-temperature environments are typically defined as below -25°F. Common chemicals that are stored or transported at cryogenic temperature include 

  • Liquid Oxygen (LOX), -297°F
  • Liquid Natural Gas (LNG), −265°F
  • Liquid Hydrogen (LH2), -423°F
  • Liquid Nitrogen (LN2), –130°F 
  • Liquid Helium, -452°F 

The industries that involve low temperatures include aerospace, energy, electronics, chemical processing, food, pharmaceutical, and medicine. Quantum computing, rockets, and MRI machines are just a few specific examples where cryogenic o-rings are needed. 

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by Sara McCaslin, PhD Sara McCaslin, PhD No Comments

The Basics of PVDF

Kynar PVDF (property of Arkema) is a high purity polymer that combines extreme-temperature performance, easy manufacturability, and durability in some of the harshest environments. 

What is PVDF?

PVDF (polyvinylidene difluoride or polyvinyl fluoride) is a fluorinated thermoplastic resin that is classified as a specialty polymer whose brand names include Kynar (Arkema), KF (Kureha), and Solef or Hylar (Solvay). This engineering polymer can often be found in environments that involve high purity, hot acid, extremely high temperatures, and/or radiation. 

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by Jackie Johnson Jackie Johnson No Comments

The History of ePTFE

Expanded PTFE (or ePTFE), like regular PTFE, is an incredibly versatile and rugged material. And like PTFE, ePTFE began as an accident. Before we can get to that, however, we should start at the beginning.

What is the history of ePTFE?  When his ideas for expanding the use of PTFE was turned down by his employers at DuPont, chemist Wilbert “Bill” Gore left the company to start his own. And in 1958 Gore and his wife Genevive “Vive” Gore founded W.L. Gore and Associates out of the basement of their Delaware home. During this time, Gore’s company began to serve the burgeoning computer industry by using PTFE to insulate multiple copper conductors and fashion them into ribbon cable resulting in a product known as MULTI-TET.

Learn More About the History of ePTFE

Bob Gore

Bob Gore recreating his discovery of ePTFE

As the years went on it became clear to Gore that trends in computer technologies meant that computers were becoming smaller and smaller, resulting in the need for less cables for circuitry. In 1968, Gore tasked his son, Robert “Bob” Gore, to come up with a solution. One night in October 1969, Bob Gore was researching a new process for stretching extruded PTFE into pipe-thread tape when he discovered that the polymer could be “expanded.”

After several failed experiments in which Bob tried to slowly expand the material even further, he became frustrated and yanked the material. As it turned out, this was the exact conditions PTFE needed to become expanded. This sudden yank resulted in the transformation of solid PTFE into a microporous structure that was about 70% air. This material would later become known as ePTFE, or Gore-Tex.

ePTFE Applications

Today, ePTFE is used in a wide variety of applications. These applications include:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Energy
  • Filtration
  • Medical
  • And much more

Interested in learning more about ePTFE and how Advanced EMC Technologies can offer you premiere sealing solutions? Contact us today!

by admin admin No Comments

Thermal Analysis Techniques for Polymers, Part 1: DTA, TMA, and DMA

In this blog post, we are going to start a discussion about the most common thermal analysis techniques used to investigate the properties of polymers.  In part 1 of this series, our focus will be on:

  • differential thermal analysis
  • thermomechanical analysis; and
  • dynamic mechanical analysis 

This discussion will include how these tests are performed and what kind of properties can be determined from the resulting data.

dye-sensitized solar cellImage Source

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