by Brandon Pascual Brandon Pascual No Comments

Advanced EMC Technologies: Revolutionizing Sealing Solutions Across Industries

Advanced EMC Technologies is synonymous with innovation and excellence in PTFE sealing solutions. Our products are designed to meet the most demanding requirements across various industries. In this blog, we delve into real-world application examples to showcase the exceptional capabilities of our PTFE rotary shaft seals in diverse fields such as oil and gas, renewable energy, aerospace, and space exploration.

Real-World Application: PTFE Rotary Shaft Seals in Oil and Gas Drilling

Challenge: In the oil and gas industry, drilling operations face extreme conditions, including high pressures, temperatures, and exposure to harsh chemicals and abrasive materials. Traditional seals often fail under these conditions, leading to costly downtime and repairs.

Solution: Advanced EMC Technologies’ PTFE rotary shaft seals provide a reliable solution for these challenging environments. Let’s explore how our seals excel in this application:

High-Pressure Resistance: During drilling operations, equipment such as mud pumps and rotary steerable systems experience high pressures. Our PTFE seals can withstand pressures up to 15 bar, ensuring continuous operation without seal failure.


Broad Temperature Range: The temperature range in drilling operations can vary significantly, from sub-zero temperatures in deep-sea environments to high temperatures encountered during drilling. Our seals operate efficiently from -40 to +220°C, providing unmatched reliability.


Chemical Resistance: Drilling fluids and chemicals used in oil and gas operations can be highly corrosive. Our PTFE seals offer exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemicals, preventing degradation and ensuring long-lasting performance.


Minimal Friction and Wear: Equipment downtime due to seal failure can be costly. Our PTFE rotary shaft seals are designed with a durable sealing lip that exhibits minimal friction and wear, reducing maintenance frequency and extending the life of the equipment.


Impact: By using our PTFE rotary shaft seals, oil and gas companies can achieve higher operational efficiency. The seals’ ability to withstand extreme conditions reduces the risk of equipment failure, ensuring continuous drilling operations and translating into significant cost savings.

Enhancing Energy Efficiency: PTFE Seals in Renewable Energy

Challenge: The renewable energy sector, including wind and solar power, demands reliable sealing solutions that can withstand environmental extremes and ensure efficient operation. Components must handle wide temperature ranges, exposure to elements, and continuous motion.

Solution: Advanced EMC Technologies’ PTFE seals are ideal for renewable energy applications. Here’s how:

Weather Resistance: Our seals provide excellent resistance to UV exposure, moisture, and extreme temperatures, making them perfect for outdoor applications such as wind turbine blades and solar panel mounts.


Durability: The high wear resistance of our PTFE seals ensures longevity, reducing the need for frequent maintenance and replacements in renewable energy installations.


Efficiency: By minimizing friction and wear, our seals contribute to the overall efficiency of energy generation systems, ensuring optimal performance and reduced energy loss.


Impact: Wind turbines and solar panels equipped with our PTFE seals perform more efficiently and require less maintenance, leading to lower operational costs and more sustainable energy production.

Taking Flight: PTFE Seals in Aerospace

Challenge: Aerospace applications demand sealing solutions that can endure high altitudes, temperature fluctuations, and extreme pressure conditions. Aircraft components require seals that guarantee safety and reliability.

Solution: Advanced EMC Technologies’ PTFE seals are designed to meet these stringent requirements. Here’s why our seals are a top choice for aerospace:

Temperature Tolerance: Our seals perform effectively across a broad temperature range, from the cold of high altitudes to the heat generated by aircraft engines.


Pressure Resistance: The high-pressure resistance of our PTFE seals ensures reliability in hydraulic systems, fuel systems, and other critical components.


Lightweight: Weight is a critical factor in aerospace applications. Our PTFE seals are lightweight yet robust, contributing to overall aircraft efficiency without compromising on performance.


Impact: Our seals ensure that aircraft components operate smoothly and safely, reducing the risk of mechanical failures and enhancing the overall reliability and efficiency of aerospace systems.

Reaching for the Stars: PTFE Seals in Space Exploration

Challenge: Space missions involve extreme conditions, including vacuum, radiation, and cryogenic temperatures. Seals used in rockets and spacecraft must offer exceptional reliability and durability to ensure mission success.

Solution: Advanced EMC Technologies’ PTFE seals are perfect for space applications. Here’s how they make a difference:

Cryogenic Performance: Our seals maintain integrity at cryogenic temperatures, crucial for handling rocket fuels like liquid oxygen (LOX) and liquid hydrogen.


Vacuum Compatibility: PTFE’s properties make our seals ideal for use in the vacuum of space, where traditional materials might fail.


Chemical Inertness: The chemical resistance of our PTFE seals ensures they can withstand exposure to various rocket propellants and other harsh substances used in space missions.


Impact: Our seals play a vital role in the success of space missions by ensuring the reliability and safety of critical components, from rocket engines to spacecraft systems.

Why Choose Advanced EMC Technologies?

  1. Customization: We understand that each application has unique requirements. Our team works closely with clients to design and manufacture customized PTFE seals that meet specific operational needs.
  2. Quality Assurance: Our seals are manufactured to the highest standards, ensuring consistent quality and performance. We utilize advanced materials and manufacturing processes to deliver superior products.
  3. Expert Support: From initial consultation to after-sales support, our team of experts is dedicated to providing exceptional service. We assist clients in selecting the right seals and offer ongoing support to ensure optimal performance.

Advanced EMC Technologies‘ PTFE rotary shaft seals are transforming industries by providing reliable, high-performance sealing solutions. Our seals are engineered to excel in the most challenging environments, ensuring operational efficiency, cost savings, and environmental safety.

Whether it’s drilling deep in the earth, harnessing the power of the wind and sun, soaring through the skies, or exploring the final frontier, Advanced EMC Technologies has the sealing solutions to keep your operations running smoothly.

For more information about our products and services, visit our website or contact our sales team at Let Advanced EMC Technologies be your trusted partner in sealing solutions for all your industrial needs.

by Brandon Pascual Brandon Pascual No Comments

Maximizing the Performance of Your PTFE Rotary Shaft Seals

Maximizing the Performance of Your PTFE Rotary Shaft Seals

PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) rotary shaft seals are known for their durability and efficiency in extreme conditions. Whether you’re working in automotive, aerospace, or industrial sectors, understanding how to maximize the performance of these seals can save time, reduce costs, and improve operational efficiency. This practical guide covers the essential factors that influence the performance of PTFE rotary shaft seals and the environments in which they excel.


1. Understanding Mating Surface Requirements

The surface over which the PTFE seal operates is crucial for its longevity and efficiency.

  • Surface Finish: Ensure the surface finish is within the recommended range (2 to 16 RMS). Too rough, and the seal wears out quickly; too smooth, and it can’t form the necessary PTFE film. For cryogenic applications, aim for a finish of 2 to 4 RMS​​​​.
  • Surface Hardness: A harder surface reduces friction and wear. For low to moderate motion, a hardness of 40 RC is sufficient. For high-speed rotary motion, opt for 55 RC to 65 RC​​​​.


2. Choosing the Right Material and Surface Treatment

Selecting appropriate materials and treatments enhances the performance of PTFE seals.

  • Materials: Stainless steel (440C or 17-4) is commonly used. These materials achieve the necessary hardness through heat treatment.
  • Surface Treatments: Treatments like electroless nickel plating or gas nitriding improve surface hardness, crucial for seal effectiveness. For example, gas nitriding can achieve up to 70 RC hardness​​​​.


3. Selecting the Right Seal for Your Application

Advanced EMC Technologies offers various PTFE seal designs to meet different operational needs:

  • Series A Seal: Ideal for moderate conditions, handling pressures up to 75 psi​​.
  • Series B Seal: Suited for higher pressure applications, up to 125 psi, providing additional protection against contaminants​​.
  • Series C Seal: Spring-loaded for better sealing under shaft misalignment, perfect for submersible pumps​​.
  • Series D Seal: Best for conditions with shaft runout or misalignment, maintaining effectiveness during long-term storage​​.
  • Series E Seal: Capable of withstanding pressures up to 400 psi in lubricating media, designed for high-speed operations​​.


4. Adapting to Operating Conditions

PTFE seals are versatile, handling various temperatures and pressures:

  • Temperature Range: Operate effectively from cryogenic conditions (-450°F) to high temperatures (500°F)​​.
  • Pressure: Suitable for high-pressure environments up to 500 psi, ideal for hydraulic systems​​.


5. Ensuring Media Compatibility

PTFE’s chemical inertness ensures it can seal a variety of aggressive media, making it suitable for applications involving steam, corrosive chemicals, and other harsh media​​. Here are some examples of environments where PTFE rotary shaft seals excel:

  • Steam Environments: PTFE seals are commonly used in steam turbines and autoclaves. For example, in power generation plants, PTFE seals ensure reliable performance by resisting high-temperature steam and preventing leaks.
  • Chemical Processing Plants: In environments where corrosive chemicals like sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and sodium hydroxide are used, PTFE seals provide excellent resistance. For instance, in chemical reactors and storage tanks, these seals prevent leaks and maintain the integrity of the system.
  • Pharmaceutical and Food Industries: PTFE’s compatibility with various solvents makes it ideal for mixers and pumps. In pharmaceutical manufacturing, PTFE seals prevent contamination during the processing of active ingredients and solvents. Similarly, in the food industry, they ensure sanitary conditions by resisting cleaning agents and maintaining seal integrity.
  • Aerospace Applications: PTFE seals are utilized in aircraft engines and space vehicles due to their ability to withstand extreme temperatures and pressures. For example, in rocket engines, PTFE seals maintain performance under the harsh conditions of space travel, including exposure to cryogenic fuels and high-speed rotation.
  • Oil and Gas Industry: PTFE seals are used in drilling equipment and pipelines, where they encounter high pressures and aggressive media like crude oil and natural gas. These seals ensure reliable operation and prevent leaks in high-stakes environments.


6. Utilizing Fluoropolymer Material Enhancements

Enhance PTFE performance by selecting the right filler material:

  • Unfilled PTFE: Low friction, ideal for food and pharmaceutical applications, and cryogenic conditions​​.
  • Glass-Filled PTFE: Adds strength but can be abrasive. Best for harder surfaces​​.
  • Molybdenum Disulfide-Filled PTFE: Improves wear resistance without being too abrasive, suitable for softer shafts​​.
  • Carbon-Filled PTFE: Excellent for high-temperature, high-pressure environments, providing natural lubrication​​.
  • Polyimide-Filled PTFE: Enhances creep resistance, ideal for compressor rings and similar applications​​.



Maximizing the performance of PTFE rotary shaft seals involves understanding and optimizing several factors, including the mating surface characteristics, material selection, and operating conditions. By selecting the appropriate seal design and ensuring media compatibility, you can significantly enhance the reliability and lifespan of your seals in various demanding environments.

For more information on PTFE rotary shaft seals and to explore Advanced EMC Technologies’ offerings, visit Advanced EMC Technologies.

by Sara McCaslin, PhD Sara McCaslin, PhD No Comments

Auto Molding PTFE Seals and Seats: Advantages for High-Volume Production Runs

Auto molding PTFE seals and seats offer a wide variety of benefits, especially for high-volume production runs. In this blog post, we cover some background on both PTFE and auto molding (also known as compression molding) and discuss why this particular manufacturing process is often preferred by engineers for both seals and ball valve seats.

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by Sara McCaslin, PhD Sara McCaslin, PhD No Comments

PTFE Aerospace Seals

Finding the right sealing solution for aerospace applications involves a host of considerations, especially when it comes to the jacket material. However, there is one high-performance solution that rises to the top over and over: PTFE aerospace seals. 

Aerospace Seal Challenges

Aerospace sealing solutions can face a wide range of harsh environments that can include exposure to extreme temperatures, high pressures, and corrosive chemicals such as de-icing liquids and aviation fuels. There is also the ever-present demand for energy-efficient solutions,  critical requirements related to safety, and compliance with industry standards. 

In addition, aerospace seals must often perform in potentially explosive or flammable environments. There are other constraints in aerospace applications as well, such as the need to minimize weight and promote energy efficiency. And looking to the future, there will also be demand for more environmentally friendly, sustainable solutions.

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by Sara McCaslin, PhD Sara McCaslin, PhD No Comments

Spring-Energized Seals for the Medical Industry

Spring-energized seals, when designed correctly, provide a highly-reliable sealing solution for medical applications where failure can be fatal. Selecting the right seal jacket material and energizer is critical, but also complex. In this week’s blog post, we will discuss spring-energized seals in the medical industry, the best materials, how they are used, and more!

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by Sara McCaslin, PhD Sara McCaslin, PhD No Comments

What You Need to Know about Spring-Energized Seals and Backup Rings

One of the common problems in high-pressure applications is extrusion of the seal into the extrusion gap. This will lead to a damaged seal, which could quickly prove both dangerous and expensive depending on the application. And this problem is not limited just to more traditional seal designs.

What do you need to know about spring-energized seals and backup rings? Similar to traditional seal designs, spring-energized seals can also face problems with extrusion–which is why backup rings are sometimes needed in conjunction with a spring-energized seal.

Seal Extrusion

Extrusion becomes an issue when the pressure acting on the seal is greater than the extrusion resistance limitation of the seal or when there are operating conditions that reduce the seal’s extrusion resistance, such as high temperatures or moisture absorption. Extrusion is also a problem when guide rings or wear rings have increased the extrusion gap. BURs fit between the seal and the extrusion gap to prevent the seal from deforming and becoming caught in the gap.

And this issue is not limited to standard rotary shaft seals: it can also be a serious issue for spring-energized seals. If energized seals are failing and the edge of the sealing lip looks as if it has been “nibbled” on, there is a strong probability that the problem is seal extrusion–and a backup ring may be all that is needed to solve the problem.

Backup Rings

Backup rings (often abbreviated BUR or referred to as anti-extrusion rings) are used to prevent mission-critical seals from being damaged when they are continually exposed to high pressures and run the risk of extrusion. Backup rings prevent the seal from extruding or deforming by reducing the extrusion gap on the low-pressure side of the seal but do not serve as a seal themselves. 

Oklahoma Spring Energized Seal Company

Backup Rings with Spring-Energized seals

Materials used for BURs must be extrusion resistant themselves, which means they need to be hard. Like the seal lip, they also need to be resistant to the chemicals and environment to which they will be exposed. Ideally, backup rings should also have low friction and excellent wear characteristics. There are several different materials used for backup rings, including polymers and elastomers. The most common polymers used include PTFE, PEEK, Nylon, and UHMW PE. For spring-energized seals, both PTFE and PEEK are often used

Filled PTFE (e.g., glass, carbon, etc.) can operate with pressures up to 5,800 psi. However virgin PTFE is limited to about 3,600 psi which means that for backup rings filled PTFE is preferred. PTFE has a maximum operating temperature of around 575°F and it is very chemically resistant and has extremely low friction. It is also dry running and available in sufficient hardness for backup ring applications.

PEEK performs well at pressures up to 20,000 psi and has a maximum temperature operating temperature of 500°F.  It is also available will fillers to provide additional strength and hardness. Like PTFE,  PEEK is compatible with a range of chemicals, including many aggressive cleaning solutions. PEEK is often used with spring-energized PTFE seals.


If extrusion is the problem with a spring-energized seal, or you know that a seal design will run the risk of extrusion, then backup rings can be used to prevent extrusion. The use of backup rings not only extends the life of the spring-energized seal but reduces the probability of failure due to extrusion.

by Jackie Johnson Jackie Johnson No Comments

PTFE Rotary Shaft Seals in High Speed Applications

The design and specification of rotary shaft seals is challenging enough, but things get even more complicated for high-speed seals. High-speed rotary shaft seals pose their own set of wear and heat generation problems that can make it difficult to select an appropriate lip material, but PTFE is up to the challenge.

Rotary Shaft Seals in High-Speed Applications

In the context of rotary shaft seals, high speeds are often defined as those above 3,600 rpms. Such seals can be found in industries such as pulp and paper, wind energy, pumps, gearboxes, steel and aluminum processing, electric motors, medical devices, etc.

High-speed applications, such as those found in turbomachinery, can cause a seal to wear out faster and generate more heat because speed and friction do not get along well together. If the heat generated is sufficient, it can result in higher operating temperatures and changes to the geometry of the seal. And not all high-speed applications are compatible with lubricants, so in some cases, the seal may need to be capable of dry running. It is also key that these seals do not exhibit stick and slip behavior at startup.

Requirements for High-Speed Rotary Shaft Seals

PTFE Rotary Shaft Seals

PTFE Rotary Shaft Seals

High speed rotary shaft seal materials, in addition to the normal requirements for seals, must be …

  • abrasion and wear-resistant (to reduce wear)
  • Dimensionally stable (to prevent changes in geometry due to high temperatures)
  • Thermally conductive (to dissipate heat generation)
  • High operating temperature (to account for heat generated during use)
  • Possess an extremely low coefficient of friction (to reduce heat generation and wear)
  • Reduced stick-slip and breakout friction
  • Self-lubricating (for when lubricants cannot be used)

While there are several options available for seals that meet these requirements, one in particular stands-out: PTFE, or polytetrafluoroethylene.

PTFE High-Speed Rotary Shaft Seals

PTFE exhibits several key qualities necessary for high-speed rotary shaft seals. It has good abrasion and wear-resistant properties, is dimensionally stable, and has good thermal conductivity. PTFE also has an operating temperature of up to 500°F and a melting point of almost 650°F. It also has the lowest coefficient of friction of any solid currently known to mankind, exhibits reduced stick-slip, has extremely low breakout friction, is self-lubricating, and can continuously operate as a dry-running material.

PTFE also comes in various grades beyond virgin PTFE. It is available fillers such as Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2) for increasing wear resistance, carbon for increasing wear resistance while keeping friction low, glass for better hardness and wear resistance, or various combinations of these. Keep in mind that there are also FDA approved seals for use in connection with pharmaceuticals and medical applications as well as food and beverage production.

PTFE rotary shaft seals are available in hydrodynamic, plain and multi-lip configuration and for situations where the production volume is low, they can be constructed from machined shells so there are no tooling charges.  At the same time, high production volumes can be manufactured from pressed shells to reduce unit costs.


For applications that demand reliable, long-lasting high-speed rotary shaft seals, PTFE is the engineer’s choice for reliable performance. It combines low friction, high operating temperatures, good wear properties, and dry running capabilities that can handle the rigors of high-speed applications.

by Sara McCaslin, PhD Sara McCaslin, PhD No Comments

PTFE Rotary Shaft Seals versus PTFE Spring-Energized Seals

PTFE is an excellent material for seals: it has extremely low friction, can operate in extreme temperatures, is dimensionally stable, available in FDA approved grades, and is compatible with a wide range of chemicals. When it comes to seals for rotating shafts, PTFE is often used with both standard rotary shaft seals as well as spring-energized seals.

Are rotary shaft seals the same as spring-energized seals? The short answer is no, they are not. While they serve many of the same purposes, the application for which you are using the seal will determine which type of PTFE seal you select.

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by admin admin No Comments

Cheat Sheet on Surface Finishes and PTFE Spring-Energized Seals

PTFE Spring-Energized Seal Design

When designing a component that includes a spring-energized PTFE seal, it’s not enough just to specify all the seal parameters; another key part of the design is the surface finish of the mating surface.  In this article, we are going to review what surface finish is, discuss the effects of surface finish on seal life, and then go over recommended surface finishes for spring-energized PTFE seals.

PTFE spring energized seals


For more articles on PTFE Spring-Energized Seals from the Advanced EMC Technologies Blog:

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