by Brandon Pascual Brandon Pascual No Comments

Advanced EMC Technologies: Revolutionizing Sealing Solutions Across Industries

Advanced EMC Technologies is synonymous with innovation and excellence in PTFE sealing solutions. Our products are designed to meet the most demanding requirements across various industries. In this blog, we delve into real-world application examples to showcase the exceptional capabilities of our PTFE rotary shaft seals in diverse fields such as oil and gas, renewable energy, aerospace, and space exploration.

Real-World Application: PTFE Rotary Shaft Seals in Oil and Gas Drilling

Challenge: In the oil and gas industry, drilling operations face extreme conditions, including high pressures, temperatures, and exposure to harsh chemicals and abrasive materials. Traditional seals often fail under these conditions, leading to costly downtime and repairs.

Solution: Advanced EMC Technologies’ PTFE rotary shaft seals provide a reliable solution for these challenging environments. Let’s explore how our seals excel in this application:

High-Pressure Resistance: During drilling operations, equipment such as mud pumps and rotary steerable systems experience high pressures. Our PTFE seals can withstand pressures up to 15 bar, ensuring continuous operation without seal failure.


Broad Temperature Range: The temperature range in drilling operations can vary significantly, from sub-zero temperatures in deep-sea environments to high temperatures encountered during drilling. Our seals operate efficiently from -40 to +220°C, providing unmatched reliability.


Chemical Resistance: Drilling fluids and chemicals used in oil and gas operations can be highly corrosive. Our PTFE seals offer exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemicals, preventing degradation and ensuring long-lasting performance.


Minimal Friction and Wear: Equipment downtime due to seal failure can be costly. Our PTFE rotary shaft seals are designed with a durable sealing lip that exhibits minimal friction and wear, reducing maintenance frequency and extending the life of the equipment.


Impact: By using our PTFE rotary shaft seals, oil and gas companies can achieve higher operational efficiency. The seals’ ability to withstand extreme conditions reduces the risk of equipment failure, ensuring continuous drilling operations and translating into significant cost savings.

Enhancing Energy Efficiency: PTFE Seals in Renewable Energy

Challenge: The renewable energy sector, including wind and solar power, demands reliable sealing solutions that can withstand environmental extremes and ensure efficient operation. Components must handle wide temperature ranges, exposure to elements, and continuous motion.

Solution: Advanced EMC Technologies’ PTFE seals are ideal for renewable energy applications. Here’s how:

Weather Resistance: Our seals provide excellent resistance to UV exposure, moisture, and extreme temperatures, making them perfect for outdoor applications such as wind turbine blades and solar panel mounts.


Durability: The high wear resistance of our PTFE seals ensures longevity, reducing the need for frequent maintenance and replacements in renewable energy installations.


Efficiency: By minimizing friction and wear, our seals contribute to the overall efficiency of energy generation systems, ensuring optimal performance and reduced energy loss.


Impact: Wind turbines and solar panels equipped with our PTFE seals perform more efficiently and require less maintenance, leading to lower operational costs and more sustainable energy production.

Taking Flight: PTFE Seals in Aerospace

Challenge: Aerospace applications demand sealing solutions that can endure high altitudes, temperature fluctuations, and extreme pressure conditions. Aircraft components require seals that guarantee safety and reliability.

Solution: Advanced EMC Technologies’ PTFE seals are designed to meet these stringent requirements. Here’s why our seals are a top choice for aerospace:

Temperature Tolerance: Our seals perform effectively across a broad temperature range, from the cold of high altitudes to the heat generated by aircraft engines.


Pressure Resistance: The high-pressure resistance of our PTFE seals ensures reliability in hydraulic systems, fuel systems, and other critical components.


Lightweight: Weight is a critical factor in aerospace applications. Our PTFE seals are lightweight yet robust, contributing to overall aircraft efficiency without compromising on performance.


Impact: Our seals ensure that aircraft components operate smoothly and safely, reducing the risk of mechanical failures and enhancing the overall reliability and efficiency of aerospace systems.

Reaching for the Stars: PTFE Seals in Space Exploration

Challenge: Space missions involve extreme conditions, including vacuum, radiation, and cryogenic temperatures. Seals used in rockets and spacecraft must offer exceptional reliability and durability to ensure mission success.

Solution: Advanced EMC Technologies’ PTFE seals are perfect for space applications. Here’s how they make a difference:

Cryogenic Performance: Our seals maintain integrity at cryogenic temperatures, crucial for handling rocket fuels like liquid oxygen (LOX) and liquid hydrogen.


Vacuum Compatibility: PTFE’s properties make our seals ideal for use in the vacuum of space, where traditional materials might fail.


Chemical Inertness: The chemical resistance of our PTFE seals ensures they can withstand exposure to various rocket propellants and other harsh substances used in space missions.


Impact: Our seals play a vital role in the success of space missions by ensuring the reliability and safety of critical components, from rocket engines to spacecraft systems.

Why Choose Advanced EMC Technologies?

  1. Customization: We understand that each application has unique requirements. Our team works closely with clients to design and manufacture customized PTFE seals that meet specific operational needs.
  2. Quality Assurance: Our seals are manufactured to the highest standards, ensuring consistent quality and performance. We utilize advanced materials and manufacturing processes to deliver superior products.
  3. Expert Support: From initial consultation to after-sales support, our team of experts is dedicated to providing exceptional service. We assist clients in selecting the right seals and offer ongoing support to ensure optimal performance.

Advanced EMC Technologies‘ PTFE rotary shaft seals are transforming industries by providing reliable, high-performance sealing solutions. Our seals are engineered to excel in the most challenging environments, ensuring operational efficiency, cost savings, and environmental safety.

Whether it’s drilling deep in the earth, harnessing the power of the wind and sun, soaring through the skies, or exploring the final frontier, Advanced EMC Technologies has the sealing solutions to keep your operations running smoothly.

For more information about our products and services, visit our website or contact our sales team at Let Advanced EMC Technologies be your trusted partner in sealing solutions for all your industrial needs.

by Sara McCaslin, PhD Sara McCaslin, PhD No Comments

PTFE Rotary Shaft Seals for Medical Devices

Selecting the right rotary shaft seal for a medical application involves many different factors including sanitation and sterilization concerns, material compliance to both national and international standards, and patient safety. While some medical applications still depend on elastomeric sealing solutions, FDA-approved PTFE rotary shaft seals provide far more benefits.

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by Sara McCaslin, PhD Sara McCaslin, PhD No Comments

Rotary Shaft Seals in Wind Energy Applications

Wind turbines are becoming an increasingly common sight in many parts of the world, including both on-shore and off-shore wind farms. Each of these wind turbines includes complex electrical and mechanical systems that convert wind energy into electrical power. A key aspect of achieving this conversion in a reliable, consistent manner is the numerous seals involved–including rotary shaft seals. This post will discuss the use of rotary shaft seals in wind energy applications.

Global Look at Installed Wind Energy Capacity

According to data from Statista, the global installed wind energy capacity continues to grow, reaching a record 743 GW in 2020. Furthermore, the cumulative capacity of wind energy is expected to reach 840.9 GW by 2022. To be able to provide energy efficiency and predictability, every aspect of generation and transfer must be designed for reliability, from the massive propeller blades to the energy transfer systems. 

Wind Turbines and Seals

When propellers are often 120 ft long, it is extremely important that the rotors function effectively. Of particular interest are rotary shaft seals which are usually tasked with keeping lubricants in and contamination outside. In a wind turbine, there are two specific areas where rotary shaft seals are critical: the main shaft bearings and gearbox shafts. These seals are directly involved with the main turbine shaft, and a failure in these rotary shaft seals means the wind turbine is quickly rendered useless. 

Challenges of Seals for the Wind Energy Market

Rotary shaft seals for wind turbines are not only critical to the functionality of a wind turbine but also face some of the most difficult operating environments. 

All rotary shaft seals for wind turbines must deal with high speeds. While the tip of the propeller may seem to move slowly, the length of these propellers means that the shaft speeds are incredibly high. Extremely high speeds mean that friction between the shaft and the seals can lead to significant heat generation, which means energy losses. These high speeds also lead to faster wear. Low friction and excellent wear resistance are extremely important.

There are also extreme temperature changes involved which can drop to cryogenic levels. The seal material used must be dimensionally stable despite these temperature changes and maintain performance at extremes (e.g., not becoming brittle when temperatures drop below freezing). Temperatures can also impact the type of lubricant that can be used with the seal.

Another challenge faced by the rotary shaft seals for the main shaft bearings is UV exposure, which can cause certain materials to rapidly degrade. Add to that potential exposure to water, ice, snow, rain, sand, dust, and winds and the choice of a good seal material becomes even more critical. In addition, exposure to moisture can also cause problems for wind turbine seals. Some materials will absorb water which will deform their shape.

The fact that these turbines are often located in remote locations and that changing out the seals is not a simple task means that repair costs just for labor are expensive. Because many of the seals are large in diameter and are considered custom seal designs means that the seals themselves are far from inexpensive. 

Turbines for off-shore wind farms face an extra set of challenges with exposure to saltwater and extreme weather events such as tropical storms and hurricanes. In addition, they are usually even more remote than their on-shore counterparts, making maintenance and repair much more challenging and expensive.

PTFE Rotary Shaft Seals in Wind Energy Applications

The type and geometry of rotary shaft seals are extremely important when selecting a seal for a wind turbine, but so is the seal lip material. One of the materials that are extremely well-adapted for facing the challenges just outlined is PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene.

PTFE has the lowest coefficient of friction of any polymer. Furthermore, with a wise choice of additives, it can exhibit excellent wear resistance. Because of its low friction, self-lubrication, dry running capabilities, and very low breakout friction, PTFE works extremely well in high-speed applications.

PTFE also has an extensive operating temperature range of -328°F and 500°F with a melting point of  620°F. This allows it to maintain performance at the high speeds involved with wind turbines as well as the extreme temperatures involved with their operating environment. In addition, PTFE has a low coefficient of thermal expansion compared to many other polymers which means it changes geometry very little when temperature changes occur.

PTFE also has very good UV resistance, which means that it maintains its properties even during extended exposure to sunlight. In addition, PTFE performs well even in the presence of saltwater and other potential environmental issues. Saltwater can, of course, lead to problems but PTFE is not significantly affected in terms of wear and friction. In addition, PTFE also has a very low moisture absorption rate which means that it can remain dimensionally stable in the presence of water.


Rotary shaft seals for wind turbines, whether installed on the main shaft bearings or the gearbox shafts, must be able to function in extremely adverse conditions. One of the best materials for wind energy seal applications, both onshore and offshore, is PTFE. If you are looking for a reliable, robust wind energy sealing solution, contact the experts here at Advanced EMC. Our sealing team can recommend the best PTFE blend, seal type, and seal geometry for your rotary shaft seal needs.

by Jackie Johnson Jackie Johnson No Comments

The Benefits of Modified PTFE

Spring Energized PTFE Seal

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is a chemically resilient fluoroplastic. An incredibly versatile material, PTFE is used (at least in some capacity) in nearly every industry imaginable. PTFE has its limitations, however.

What are the benefits of modified PTFE? Modified PTFE (or MPTFE) pushes the limits of regular PTFE, offering exciting new possibilities for a wide variety of applications. The reason behind such improvements? MPTFE, also known as TFM (trade name of Daikin) is a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and a small quantity of a perfluorinated modifier (perfluoropropyl vinyl ether, PPVE).

In other words, MTFM has added chemicals that make it stronger and more versatile than regular PTFE. And because of its strength and versatility, modified PTFE is used in a wide variety of industries. These include, but are not limited to, automotive, aerospace, medical device, LNG and more.

Modified PTFE is a Strong and Versatile Material

Modified PTFE has several advantages over regular PTFE. It has a substantially reduced deformation under load- 4% for Modified PTFE vs 10% for PTFE. This, as well as improved flexibility, make modified PTFE great for devices that need a little give but won’t break under pressure.

MPTFE also has lower porosity and permeability which helps reduce the amount of liquid absorption, making it perfect for products such as seals for wet environments. On top of that, modified PTFE has smoother surfaces, nonstick and dielectric properties, and a reduced cold flow. It has good metering properties, good electrical and mechanical properties. And with excellent fuel and additive resistance, MPTFE can replace conventional materials such as PTFE and make it easier to use more aggressive lubricants and seal designs.

In Conclusion

As you can see, MPTFE is an incredibly versatile and strong material to use. It can withstand more abuse than the average PTFE, giving it a clear advantage for a variety of applications. Use modified PTFE for your next project and let Advanced EMC Technologies help you create products that take full advantage of this wonderful material.

Contact us today to learn more!

by Sara McCaslin, PhD Sara McCaslin, PhD No Comments

Why PTFE Rotary Shaft Seals Are a Great Choice for Food Processing Applications

While there are several options when it comes to approved polymeric or elastomeric seals for food processing applications, PTFE is one of the more popular choices–and that includes rotary shaft seals, as well.

Why are PTFE rotary shaft seals good for food processing applications? Rotary shaft seals for food processing equipment have to do more than an ordinary seal:  they also need to withstand aggressive cleaning and sanitation regimens that may involve corrosive chemicals, be approved for contact with food, and offer effective, reliable performance. 

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by Sara McCaslin, PhD Sara McCaslin, PhD No Comments

PTFE Rotary Shaft Seals versus PTFE Spring-Energized Seals

PTFE is an excellent material for seals: it has extremely low friction, can operate in extreme temperatures, is dimensionally stable, available in FDA approved grades, and is compatible with a wide range of chemicals. When it comes to seals for rotating shafts, PTFE is often used with both standard rotary shaft seals as well as spring-energized seals.

Are rotary shaft seals the same as spring-energized seals? The short answer is no, they are not. While they serve many of the same purposes, the application for which you are using the seal will determine which type of PTFE seal you select.

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by admin admin No Comments

Factors Influencing Rotary Shaft Seal Performance: Pressure, Velocity, and Temperature

There are various factors that have a significant impact on the performance and behavior of a rotary shaft seal, including operating conditions (speed, pressure, temperature, environment), the mating shaft (hardness, surface finish, lead), and the choice of material for the seal itself.

In this blog post, we are going to review the operating conditions that must be considered for a successful rotary shaft seal.

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