by Sara McCaslin, PhD Sara McCaslin, PhD No Comments

The Signs Seal Failure and How to Prevent It

Premature seal failure is a major problem that leads to expensive downtime as well as the potential for equipment damage, environmental impact, and even physical harm. When a seal does fail prematurely, it is important to track down the root cause of failure to prevent it from happening again with a new seal.

Normal Wear

All seals are going to experience normal wear and eventually reach the point where they need to be replaced. The signs of normal wear include an even, glossy circumferential pattern on the seal lip and on the hardware and a relatively small protrusion on the heel of the seal at the extrusion gap. 

When high pressures are involved, normal wear also entails circumferential wear patterns (which will be over a larger area) and a protrusion at the extrusion gap (which matt also be larger). In addition, grooving may be present on the sealing surface. While normal wear cannot be prevented, it can be minimized through proper installation and maintenance.

Shaft Surface Hardness

If the hardness of the contact surface of the shaft is not sufficient, excessive wear is likely to occur. In most cases, the shaft surface hardness should be at Rockwell 30C at minimum. In situations where there can be issues of the shaft being nicked or scratched prior to installation, operating speeds in excess of 15 fps, or the potential for abrasive contamination exist, then the minimum hardness should be 45C. In addition, the surface hardness should penetrate to a depth of 0.3 mm. If the shaft cannot be hardened enough, then a wear sleeve should be considered.

Signs of surface hardness issues include radial grooving with embedded metal filings and either axial or circumferential scratches on the dynamic surface. This type of damage can be prevented by ensuring that the shaft surface meets the appropriate hardness requirements for the application and seal jacket material.

Shaft Surface Finish

Another potential cause of premature shaft failure lies in the surface finish of the shaft because the sealing lip makes direct contact with the shaft. For most applications, the surface finish of the shaft should be between 10 and 25 𝝁in Ra but that is highly dependent on the seal material chosen and the shaft material. For example, PTFE is a dry-running material that needs a certain level of roughness on the shaft in order to create a low friction barrier between the materials and serves as an additional seal barrier.

In addition, there should be no machine lead (helical scoring or spiral lines). The presence of a lead can not only abrade the seal lip but can essentially act as a pump and lead to leaking. A lead essentially serves as a leak path, which is never a good thing.

The signs of having too rough a mating surface include radial grooving with metal filings embedded, axial nicks on the seal lip, and/or axial scratches on the dynamic surface. The appropriate surface finish and removal of the machine lead can both be accomplished through careful plunge grinding,

Chemical Compatibility

It is extremely important that the seal material chosen is compatible with the media it will be exposed to during operation. And when the media is changed, that can often necessitate a change in seals. Furthermore, media includes not just what is being sealed but the type of lubricant used with the seal. Signs of chemical incompatibility include cracks or holes in the seal jacket, pilling, corrosion, and/or circumferential grooving of the dynamic surface.

When issues with chemical compatibility arise, the best solution is to choose a seal jacket material that is chemically compatible with the media and the lubricant. While the base fluid may be compatible, lubricant additives may cause problems.  If lubricants are the problem, keep in mind that materials such as PTFE and PEEK are both highly chemically compatible and self-lubricating so that no lubricant is needed.

Compression Set

Compression set occurs when a seal has become less elastic, resulting in leaks even at low pressures. If this is a regular occurrence, it might be wise to choose a different polymer for the seal jacket. The primary sign of the compression set is a flat-sided seal cross-section where the flat side corresponds to contact with the mating surface.

High Pressures Extrusion

At high pressures, seals can be forced into the extrusion gap where the seal will experience excessive wear and may eventually be torn apart. The best approach to preventing damage resulting from high pressure is to use a thermoplastic seal in place of an elastomeric seal or to use a BUR (Back-Up Ring) to prevent extrusion.

Improper Installation

One of the most common causes of premature seal failure is improper installation. Using the right tools will help prevent common issues such as installing the seal backwards or damaging the seal during installation. 

Another common source of seal failure that is typically related to installation is misalignment and runout. This is caused when either the shaft or seal is out of alignment. In some cases, the alignment issues may not be apparent until the shaft is rotating. The signs of damage related to misalignment include an even pattern of wear on the seal lip with one part that is more heavily worn, heavy wear on one side of the seal, an offset wear pattern, or a combination of high and low wear spots.

The key to preventing failure associated with installation is quite straightforward:

  • Follow any instruction provided by the manufacturer
  • Use appropriate tools
  • Verify that the seal is being installed in the right direction
  • Check for any sharp areas that could damage the seal
  • Ensure that the shaft and the seal are properly aligned


Premature seal failure does not have to be a repetitive cycle if the root cause is detected and addressed. However, just replacing a seal without tracking down the cause will simply mean high M&O costs and unnecessary downtime. By inspecting a failed seal, it is possible to narrow down what caused the failure and take steps to prevent it from happening again.

by Sara McCaslin, PhD Sara McCaslin, PhD No Comments

Meeting the Challenges of Cryogenic Seals

The term “cryogenic” typically refers to temperatures that are below freezing, extending to absolute zero (-460° F / -273° C). At these extreme temperatures, cryogenic seal design and specification becomes especially challenging–but far from impossible.

Where Cryogenic Seals Are Used

In general, cryogenic temperatures are often required for food preservation, transporting gases, cryosurgery, and cryoelectronics. Such low temperatures are needed in connection with some types of food storage, cooling superconductors, recycling, and storing blood and tissue samples. In fact, there are many different critical applications that require seals that can handle media stored at cryogenic temperatures, such as loading arms for transporting LNG, infrared telescopes, dilution refrigerator units, and sealing the liquid helium used formagnetic resonance imaging. 


The first priority for a cryogenic seal is that it be reliable. While any seal failure is a problem, cryogenic seal failures can be especially dangerous. Aside from obvious issues such as environmental impact and toxicity, there can be an explosion that results from the rapid expansion of the cryogenic materials as well as potential asphyxiation and the effects of sudden exposure to extreme cold on employees and equipment.

Fluids Near Their Boiling Point

If fluid being stored at cryogenic temperatures is near its boiling point, then there is a strong possibility that it could flash into a gas if there is a sudden change in either pressure or temperature. This, in turn, would lead to a catastrophic (and possibly very dangerous) seal failure. 

Dimensional Stability

The installation temperature and service temperature of a cryogenic seal are going to be vastly different, which means that dimensional changes due to temperature are unavoidable. When designing or specifying a cryogenic seal, it is very important to account for these dimensional changes and adjust critical size and clearance parameters accordingly. In fact, it is vital to remember that the seal material be chosen for its properties at the expected operating temperature, not at room temperature.


Another challenge in sealing cryogenic fluids lies in the elasticity of the seal material itself. At extremely low temperatures, both elastomers and metals can reach a temperature where they transition from being an elastic material to a brittle one. This is another example of why cryogenic seals need to be selected based on their material properties — including stiffness and strength — at the cryogenic temperature of the application.


Lubrication is another major problem for cryogenic seals: at such extremely low temperatures, traditional lubricants simply will not function or will freeze and the fluids being sealed within cannot provide lubrication. If there is any moisture present in the lubrication, this can lead to freezing and a shattered seal. Cryogenic applications require seal materials that are dry running and/or self-lubricating, such as PTFE or TFM.

Meeting the Challenges

For many cryogenic sealing applications, spring-energized seals work extremely well. For seal jacket materials, polymers are an excellent choice and available options include PTFE, modified PTFE (also referred to as TFM), and UHMW PE. These materials are ….

  • Corrosion-resistant
  • Self-lubricating
  • Durable
  • Posses excellent thermal insulation properties
  • Retain elasticity and strength at low temperatures
  • Exhibit good wear properties
  • Are compatible with a wide variety of chemicals

Not that in some cases, especially those where flash boiling is an issue, polymer labyrinth seals may be a better choice than a spring-energized seals.


While there are a host of challenges involved in designing effective seals for cryogenic applications, there are effective solutions available. These include polymer spring-energized seals and labyrinth seals.